Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
Cluster Equivalence, General Language, Language for Specific Purposes

(32) taking the men away in a motor launch
(32a) jak zabierali mojego czáowieka na motorówkĊ

In the search additional cluster equivalents identified
for Pol. motorówka are powerboat and motor yacht.

Other fully and partly lexicalised motor-forms of the nominal and
adjectival character, are also frequent in this category:

(33) Fish tank motor
(33a) Silnik akwarium

(34) Taking water in motor room
(34a) Powiedz szefowi, Īe poziom wody w torpedowni jest juĪ powyĪej klap i

(35) Otis, get up to the motor room and take over the power
(35a) Otis, idĨ do rozdzielni i wyáącz zasilanie

(36) Taking water in motor bilge!
(36a) Maszynownia nabiera wody

(37) Our exterior motor 's got no power.
(37a) Nie mamy áadowania.

(38) No, I actually enjoy motor sports
(38a) Nie, wáaĞciwie to lubiĊ sporty motorowe

(39) So he posts a query on some motor head board
(39a) Napisaá posta na forum motoryzacyjnym z pytaniem

(40) Something or other motor inn
(40a) JakiĞ tam motel

(41) Luckily I knew a chap in the Loop - motor supplies.
(41a) Caáe szczĊĞcie znaáem goĞcia w pĊtli – motoryzacja

(42) He must be from the motor club
(42a) Pewnie ktoĞ z automobilklubu

The examples present either fully lexicalised conventional phrases,
functionally similar to proper names, or a range of fixed collocational

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