Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Eighteen

Gestalt approximation

Gestalt approximation which engages a generalised (more schematic)
equivalence between SL and TL versions, (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk
2012a) and translation compensatory strategies (46) are exemplified

(43) But I'm a motor mechanic
(43a) Ja jestem zwykáym mechanikiem lit. ‘simple mechanic’

(44) Died 1918 in a motor accident with their son
(44a) 2 lata póĨniej zginąü z synem w wypadku lit. ‘accident’

(45) The car reeks, a funky mixture of motor oil, gunk, and stale sweat
(45a) ĝmierdząca mieszanka oleju, syfu i potu lit. ‘oil’

(46) You know, the one in the motor shed
(46a) PrzynieĞ mi piáĊ do metalu z szopy ojca lit. ‘hacksaw from father’s shed’

In the corpus data of the technical/technological kind, single word
motor – silnik ‘engine’ equivalence is by far the most frequent:

(47) Under the wings are four gondolas, each containing a motor, a lithium
polymer battery, and a management system to control the temperature of
the aircraft.
(47a) Pod skrzydáami znajdują siĊ cztery gondole - kaĪda z nich mieĞci silnik,
akumulator litowo - polimerowy oraz ukáad sterowania regulujący
temperaturĊ samolotu.

(48) It was with these molecules that the SYNNANOMOTORS team create the
first molecular motor
(48a) To wáaĞnie za pomocą tych cząsteczek czáonkowie zespoáu
SYNNANOMOTORS stworzyli pierwszy silnik molekularny

Legal texts

In the specialised legal/technical texts of the European Parliament
Proceedings and Acquis communautaire, the modified nominals are more
frequently of the parallel aligned type.

(49) The studies carried out by the Commission have demonstrated the
positive impact on the competitiveness of the European motor industry.
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