Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
Cluster Equivalence, General Language, Language for Specific Purposes

(49a) Badania przeprowadzone przez KomisjĊ wykazaáy ponadto pozytywny
wpáyw na konkurencyjnoĞü europejskiego przemysáu motoryzacyjnego.

(50) Road vehicles shall not be exempted from payment of taxes and charges
on motor fuel, road tolls and user charges levied for the use of
(50a) Pojazdy drogowe nie są wyjĊte spod opodatkowania i wnoszenia opáat od
paliwa silnikowego, opáat drogowych oraz opáat uĪytkownika za
korzystanie z infrastruktury.

Noun Conversion to Verb

The form motor can be used as a Verb in English by the process of
category conversion. A characteristic aspect of the use of this form is that
it is identified only in the English original texts in our materials, while
Polish-to-English translators avoid this form. This is possibly due to the
linguistic interference from Polish, in which such a form is absent:

(51) I'm really trying to motor, her, you know?
(51a) NaprawdĊ chcĊ to szybko przejĞü (lit. ‘walk fast’), rozumie pan?

(52) It's so practical and restful to motor, isn't it?
(52a) Miáa jazda (lit. ‘nice ride’) odprĊĪa, prawda?

(53) Sir, shouldn't we motor out past the reef first?
(53a) Najpierw chyba opáyniemy (lit. sail around/by’) rafĊ?

(54) But hooked up to my program, and the slice, we should be able to motor
through millions of images
(54a) Ale podáączając siĊ do mojego programu i tego fragmentu, powinniĞmy
byü w stanie przejĞü przez (lit. ‘walk through/over’) miliony obrazów

(55) Let's motor
(55a) JedĨmy lit. ‘go/move (by some vehicle)’

(56) Y'all, let 's motor
(56a) Lecimy lit. ‘fly (off)’

Worth noticing are also the lexicalized commands identified in both

(57) Forward motor slow ahead
(57a) Wolno naprzód lit. ‘slowly forward/ahead’
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