Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Eighteen

The verbal sense of motor is also used in the metaphoric extension of
the verb:

(58) you hear the roar of the crowd ... you just - you motor through
(58a) kiedy fani szaleją, zaciska siĊ zĊby (lit. ‘one presses one’s teeth’, i.e.,
‘endures, says nothing’)

Motor functioning Knowledge Frames

A whole range of verbal phrases is employed in both languages to
construct a motor functioning frame, implemented as a system of
action/activity meanings. In numerous expressions signifying different
phrases and actions related to motors, a range of metaphorical mapping
operations is engaged, typically language-specific:

(59) After they start the motor
(59a) Jak tylko uruchomią motor lit. ‘make moving’

(60) to drive the motor
(60a) prowadziü motor/sterowaü (lit. ‘steer’) silnikiem

(61) you left your motor running
(61a) ZostawiáaĞ silnik wáączony lit. ‘switched on’

(62) - and stayed out front with the motor running!
(62a) - I czekaá z zapalonym silnikiem! lit. ‘set something in fire/ignited’

(63) you can ignite the motor
(63a) moĪna odpaliü silniki lit. ‘ignite off’

(64) the timer went off, activated a motor
(64a) Zegar skoĔczyá odliczanie, wáączyá silnik lit. ‘switched on’

(65) Gun the motor!
(65a) Zapalaj silnik! lit. ‘start and ignite’

(66) Trim down on the motor or you'll drop the bow
(66a) Tylko nie gazuj (lit. ‘don’t gas (Verb)’), bo ciĊ wywali

(67) his motor knocked with fright
(67a) silnik zaciąá siĊ ze strachu

(68) we broke the motor
(68a) zepsuliĞmy w niej silnik
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