Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Eighteen

(77) Przez ostatnie 35 lat genetycy za gáówny motor ewolucji gatunku
ludzkiego uznawali klasyczne zjawisko ''selekcyjnego wymiatania''.
(77a) For the past 35 years, geneticists have designated classic selective
sweeps, when a beneficial genetic mutation quickly spreads through the human

(78) JeĞli oznacza to, Īe francusko - niemiecki motor napĊdza wspóápracĊ
(78a) If this means the Franco-German engine driving research collaboration

(79) Maáe i Ğrednie przedsiĊbiorstwa stanowią jądro naszej gospodarki oraz
motor wzrostu rynku wewnĊtrznego
(79a) Small and medium-sized businesses are the heart of our economy and the
growth engine of the internal market

However, it is exclusively in the general language use that less
conventional metaphors are employed (81), particularly in slang and/or
vulgar speech with respect to sex (82,83), although a number of such
constructions (e.g., 86, 87) will be considered fully conventionalised
phrases as well:

(80) You cute little motor scooter, you
(80a) ĝliczna z ciebie dziewczyna. lit. ‘you’re a lovely girl’

(81) Micky Tyne is murder in a motor at the best of times.
(81a) Micky daje gaz do dechy. lit. ‘steps on the (maximum) gas’

(82) She ain't done much to get his motor running now, has she?
(82a) Nie postaraáa siĊ za bardzo, Īeby mu kuĞka zagraáa, co?

(83) While romancing me, your motor speed may race
(83a) W upale nocy twoje baterie mogą padnąü. lit. ‘your batteries may die’

(84) Those singing hooligans really got my motor running.
(84a) Ci Ğpiewający huligani^1 naprawdĊ mnie podpalają. lit. ‘ignite me’

(85) - Kill the motor, dude.
(85a) -Wyluzuj, stary lit. ‘slow down’

(86) Man, that thing had a motor on it
(86a) Czáowieku, to dopiero miaáo kopa lit. ‘had a kick’

(^1) In Polish the standard spelling is chuligani.

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