Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
Cluster Equivalence, General Language, Language for Specific Purposes

(87) This motor sucks
(87a) - Silnik jest do kitu ‘good for nothing’

Similes are infrequent in the examined materials and identified in general
language rather than in LSP:

(88) I bet no dame ever sounded as sweet as this motor
(88a) Warkot tego silnika jest sáodszy niĪ gáos jakiejkolwiek kobiety

In examples (88, 88a), a (metonymic) simile is used in the
particularised equivalence mode.


Metonymy related to the form motor does not present a high frequency of
use in LSP materials, while is plays an important role in general language.

(89) Niezáy motor
(89a) Nice ride, man

(90) you are stuck in a situation with a couple of real mean motor scooters
(90a) masz do czynienia z dwoma wrednymi facetami

(91) I'd know that motor anywhere
(91a) Rozpoznam ten dĨwiĊk (lit. sound’) wszĊdzie

(92) Ja mam motor
(92a) I've got wheels
(93) Ten motor doprowadza mnie do szaáu
(93a) The engine is driving me wild

(94) Seks i motor, najlepsze doĞwiadczenia.
(94a)Sex and riding, the best experiences.

(95) Potem motor siĊ przepoáowiá. (lit. broke into two parts)
(95a) Then the sidecar fell off

(96) Motor 1, idzie w twoją stronĊ
(96a) Biker One, coming your way

Part – for –Whole

(97) Damn, my motor coils were just getting warmed up
(97a) Akurat gdy mój motor siĊ rozgrzaá
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