Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
Cluster Equivalence, General Language, Language for Specific Purposes

which denote either a two-wheel (typically) motor vehicle, most frequently
in the English form bike, but also a number of categorially subordinate
vehicles hyponymically related to the meaning of motor (moped, bicycle,
motocycle, etc.), while the English forms motor and engine refer to devices
that provide power. On the other hand, the conversion possibilities in the
English morphological system make the English forms equally, if not
more, frequent as far as the token frequencies are concerned, particularly
in Language for Specific Purposes, most notably mechanics and
engineering. The metaphoric senses of Pol. motor as in motor wzrostu will
be typically rendered as the growth engine and zmiany [...] są motorem
modernizacji appear as the changes [...] are driving modernization. On
the other hand, the unaccompanied, bare Noun motor in Polish will
typically correspond to English ‘motorcycle’.
In the next part of the paper, four selected equivalence clusters – one
(motor skills) restricted to LSP, and the other three (motor pool, motor
home and motor vehicle) – from general language and LSP, will be
exemplified and discussed.

Equivalence Clusters

  1. motor (skills) in psychology & medicine

The medical and psychological concept of motor skills functions as a
term and has a number of possible Polish lexicalized equivalents,
constituting a cluster of related senses, which, although not fully
synonymous are used as parallel aligned types of equivalent concepts in
Polish. Others can be used in terms of the particularized communication.

Parallel aligned: sprawnoĞü motoryczna, sprawnoĞü ruchowa, ruchy
ciaáa, poruszanie siĊ, aktywnoĞü motoryczna, motoryka, koordynacja
Gestalt: koordynacja
Particularised: apraxia

(105) the fact that right-handers' judgments reversed with long- or short-term
changes in motor fluency demonstrates
(105a) fakt, Īe ocena praworĊcznych ulegaáa odwróceniu w nastĊpstwie dáugo
lub krótkofalowych zmian w sprawnoĞci motorycznej lit. ‘motor skill’

(106) loss of some motor function
(106a) utrata sprawnoĞci ruchowej lit. movement skills
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