Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Eighteen

(107) Based on your pupiI dilation, skin temperature and motor functions
(107a) Na podstawie reakcji Ĩrenic, temperatury i ruchów ciaáa lit. ‘body

(108) Sooner or later, she'll lose motor control
(108a) BĊdą problemy z poruszaniem siĊ lit. ‘moving’

(109) perform simple motor activity
(109a) jedynie prostą aktywnoĞü motoryczną lit. ‘motor activity’

(110) simple tests [...] for motor skills , concentration
(110a) seriĊ prostych testów [...] motoryka, koncentracja lit. ‘motorics’

(111) Loss of motor skills, blurry vision
(111a) Problemy z koordynacją, ze wzrokiem lit. ‘coordination’

(112) We must work on our fine motor skills
(112a) Musimy popracowaü nad koordynacją ruchów lit. ‘coordination of

(113) It [...] affects speech and other motor skills
(113a) Ma przewlekáą apraksjĊ. ‘apraxia’ (motor disorder)

In general Polish, a more descriptive phrase is used: mieü wáadzĊ w
rekach lit. ‘to have power in one’s hands’:

(114) Uh, I know you have no motor skills
(114a) Wiem, Īe nie masz wáadzy w rĊkach

  1. motor pool

The concept of motor pool used both in a restricted domain register
and in general language, does not have a fully synonymous equivalent on
the same categorization level in Polish. Therefore, the Polish equivalence
cluster is more varied and extends over the areas of neighbouring
conceptual spaces such as park, parking, department, section, area, garage,
military units, etc., or else exploits metonymic relations connected with
driving, and running (vehicle repair), etc., business. The examples are
derived from spoken exchanges, so they frequently employ colloquial
labels, although most of the speakers are specialists and are acquainted
with the military realia and motor vehicles:

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