Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Eighteen

(130) Get your men and assemble them in the motor pool.
(130a) Zbierz swoich ludzi, widzimy siĊ przy samochodach lit. ‘with/at the

(131) Meet Officer Kirkland at the motor pool.
(131a) Spotkaj siĊ z oficerem Kirkland na polu motorowym lit. ‘motor field’

(132) I noticed you don't have any motors in your motor pool
(132a) Pusto w tym waszym warsztacie lit. ‘(car) service’

(133) - Where 's your motor pool?
(133a) Gdzie auta? lit. ‘cars’

(134) Go in the tunnels off the motor pool
(134a) IdĨ do tuneli przy garaĪu lit.‘garage’

as contrasted with another garage cluster member:

(135) now I 'm at the motor lodge
(135a) teraz muszĊ spaü w garaĪu

(136) in the motor pool in five minutes
(136a) zgromadziü siĊ w maszynowni za piĊü minut lit. ‘machine-room’

(137) But it's not just the motor pool
(137a) Ale problem nie dotyczy tylko parku maszyn lit. ‘motor park’

(138) Then, he's gonna call the commissioner and have you transferred to the
motor pool
(138a) Potem zadzwoni do komisarza, a ten skieruje ciĊ do pilnowania
parkingu lit. ‘(car) parking’

(139) Here's a mouldy oldie for all our friends in the motor pool
(139a) A teraz stary hit dla kumpli z bazy samochodowej lit. ‘car-base’

(140) All personnel are invited to join sergeant Bilko in the motor pool
(140a) Zapraszamy kadrĊ do parku samochodowego lit. ‘car park’

  1. motor home

The form motor home is used in an aligned manner in Polish, when
employed in LSP as in a professional business:

(141) your typical Class C motor home [...] is gonna grunt at least 5000
pounds] of interior fixtures
(141a) wnĊtrze typowego kampera klasy C waĪy co najmniej [...]

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