Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1
Cluster Equivalence, General Language, Language for Specific Purposes

In a large range of other contexts, the phrase is approximated in Polish,
particularly frequently when employed in a general, and not LSP, variety.
The most frequent cluster of equivalents comprises single word

kamper, (cara)van, przyczepa kempingowa, samochód/wóz kempingowy,

descriptive equivalents:

dom na kóákach (lit. ‘house (home) on wheels’), pojazd z przestrzenią
mieszkalną (lit. ‘vehicle with a living area’)

and metonymic/synectochic equivalents:

kemping (lit. ‘camping site’), (aby) jeĨdziü na wakacje (lit. ‘in order to
go for holidays’)

(142) Police discovered the body of a man murdered inside his motor home
(142a) Policja znalazáa zwáoki zamordowanego mĊĪczyzny w samochodzie
campingowym. lit. ‘camping car’

(143) That's the motor home where we stole the gas.
(143a) To z tego wozu campingowego wziĊliĞmy benzynĊ. lit. ‘camping cart

(144) we 're gonna stay in our motor home.
(144a) Zostaniemy w naszym domku na kóákach. lit. ‘a small house on wheels’

(145) to drive over it in their motor homes
(145a) Īeby mogli po nich jeĨdziü na wakacje lit. ‘in order to go for holidays’

(146) That motor home is gone.
(146a) To musi byü jeden z tych vanów. lit. ‘vans’

(147) It 's a motor home.
(147a) pojazd z przestrzenią mieszkalną lit. ‘vehicle with a living space’

(148) I'm here for the motor home.
(148a) Przyjechaáem po kemping. lit. ‘camping’ (metonymy)

(149) State police found the motor home at a rest stop off I-15
(149a) Policja odnalazáa przyczepĊ kempingową na parkingu. lit. ‘camping

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