Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Three

Consider (4) in the light of the PURPOSEFUL ACTIVITY IS TRAVELLING

(5) “Posáowie nadal poruszają siĊ jak po dwóch równolegáych
orbitach, rzadko wchodząc w interakcjĊ.”
(The MPs keep moving along parallel orbits, rarely
(6) “wspóápracownicy są jakby satelitami, próbującymi poáączyü
te dwa Ğwiaty”
(Their colleagues are in a certain sense satellites attempting to
link these two worlds),
(7) “partia Palikota to satelita Platformy?”
(Palikot’s Party is the satellite of Civic Platform?)
(8) “krĊgi satelitów powstających wokóá PiS po katastrofie
(circles of satellites popping up around PiS after the Smolensk
aircraft crash).

An orbit as a sphere of influence

The SPACE image schema (Johnson 1987; Lakoff 1987) includes, among
others, the sensory experience of CENTRE-PERIPHERY. It manifests itself in
representations of importance as central and its lack as a location in the
peripheries or outside. The concept of an orbit as a metaphorical indication
of the sphere of interest or influence, combined with the FORCE image
schema, contributes to the conceptual structures of the following:

(9) “ich partie przejdą w orbitĊ SLD”
(their parties will join the SLD orbit),
(10) “w orbicie oddziaáywania resortu transport”
(in the sphere of influence of the Ministry of Transport),
(11) “zerwaá siĊ on z orbity”
(he dropped off the orbit),
(12) “strukturĊ, która wciągnie w orbitĊ miĊdzy innymi tĊ europejską
(a structure which will suck this European Ukraine into its orbit),
(13) “wszyscy od dawna znajdujący siĊ w orbicie posáa z Biágoraja”
(all in the orbit of the MP from Bilgoraj),
(14) “umieszczenia idei w orbicie zainteresowaĔ Ministra Michaáa
(placing the idea in the orbit of Minister Boni’s interest).
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