The Washington Post - USA (2022-05-29)

(Antfer) #1

Summer Books 2022



o disrespect meant to the
downers of the literary
world, but sometimes
you just want a book that
makes you smile. Here’s a collec-
tion of the best feel-good reads of
the year so far. They’ll make you
laugh, and they might make you
cry — but only tears of happiness.

The Hawk’s Way,
by Sy Montgomery
If you’re a bird-lover — or
otherwise revel in nature — you’ll
appreciate Montgomery’s latest,
which clocks in at just under 100
pages. In “The Hawk’s Way,” she
recalls getting to know a 4-year-
old raptor named Jazz, which led
her on a journey to understand
the animals. It’s an informative
read that will make you want to
go outside and look up into the

Remarkably Bright Creatures,
by Shelby Van Pelt
If a misanthropic octopus
sounds like fun, you’ll appreci-
ate Van Pelt’s debut novel. It’s
about To va, a widow who works
the night shift at a Washington
state aquarium, which keeps her
busy after her son’s disappear-
ance three decades ago. The
giant octopus, named Marcel-
lus, just might hold the keys to
unearthing what happened to
To va’s son. “Remarkably Bright
Creatures” is a charming novel
with a stunning setting and the
perfect amount of wit and wis-

From Hollywood with Love,
by Scott Meslow
We can’t all live in a rom-com,
but we can at least appreciate the
masters of the genre. Meslow
offers a worthy homage to them
in this deep-dive that spans 30
years of hits, from “When Harry
Met Sally” to “Crazy Rich Asians.”
The book is sprinkled with fun
trivia, photos and interviews with
directors and stars. You’ll be
“Waiting to Exhale” until you
finish it.

Book Lovers,
by Emily Henry
Nora is a workaholic literary
agent with a reputation as a
shark. Charlie is the brooding
book editor who works just as
much as she does. After a combat-
ive first meeting, the two New
Yorkers bump into each other in a
small North Carolina town years
later, when they’d both rather be
anywhere else. Despite their siz-
zling chemistry, Nora and Charlie
do their best to resist the happily
ever after that readers will root
for from Page 1. Henry’s signature
witty banter sets “Book Lovers”
apart in the current crop of rom-

Chef’s Kiss,
by TJ Alexander
Pick up Alexander’s debut nov-
el for the autumnal galette or
cookie-crumb-crust cheesecake.
Stay for the romance that devel-
ops between pastry chef Simone
and her nonbinary colleague Ray.
“Chef’s Kiss,” which takes place in
a Bon Appétit-style test kitchen, is
like a dish of comfort food you’ll
want to devour.

Flying Solo,
by Linda Holmes
Holmes’s debut novel, “Evvie
Drake Starts Over,” was required
summer reading when it pub-
lished in 2019. Now she’s back
with “Flying Solo,” about a single
woman on the cusp of her 40th
birthday who returns to Maine to
clean out her great aunt’s home.
While there, she finds a mysteri-
ous wooden duck that leads her
on — well, a wild-goose chase,
which detours to an old love. The
novel is a refreshing reminder
that there’s no one-size-fits-all
mold for a relationship, and that
fulfillment can be achieved many

One Italian Summer,
by Rebecca Serle
Katy is unmoored when her
mom, Carol, dies — so she heads
to Italy on the vacation they had
been planning to take together.
Once there, she encounters a 30-

year-old incarnation of her moth-
er, and the two embark on a
magical romp that helps Katy
understand who Carol was as a
young woman, before her identity
became “mom.” Serle’s novel is a
touching mother-daughter story
that speaks to the transcendence
of parental love. Tr y the audio
version, which is narrated by ac-
tor Lauren Graham.

Let’s Not Do That Again,
by Grant Ginder
If you long for the days of
“Veep,” look for the same dysfunc-
tional family dynamics and politi-
cal misadventures in Ginder’s lat-
est novel. It’s about Senate hope-
ful Nancy Harrison, whose adult
children are problematically
adrift — especially Greta, who’s
making headlines for her involve-
ment in a Parisian riot. That’s not
good for the ol’ campaign, so
Nancy and her son head to France
to bring Greta home. Ginder —
whose previous novels include
“The People We Hate at the Wed-
ding” — delivers a delicious satire
that’s excellent escapism.

This Time Tomorrow,
by Emma Straub
Straub puts her own spin on
“13 Going on 30” in this stirring
time-travel novel. It centers on
Alice, who’s s tuck in many aspects
of life as she watches her beloved
father slowly die. She wakes up on
the eve of her 40th birthday and
discovers she’s 16 again — and
that her dad is young and vibrant.
This time around, she asks him
questions, soaks in his stories and
gets a second chance to fix old
mistakes. Like all of Straub’s
books, “This Time To morrow”
shines with humor and warmth.

Unlikely Animals,
by Annie Hartnett
In Hartnett’s new novel, pro-
tagonist Emma returns home to
New Hampshire to care for her
dad, who has a degenerative
brain disease. He’s hallucinating
animals and also reports seeing
the ghost of Ernest, a naturalist
who has been dead for many

years. There’s a lot happening in
“Unlikely Animals,” including
Emma and her dad’s efforts to
find an old friend struggling with
addiction. It’s a quirky, poignant
novel about family, community
and love for our animal friends.

The Wise Women,
by Gina Sorell
Wendy was a longtime success-
ful advice columnist — though
you wouldn’t know it based off
her two daughters’ disorganized
lives. They’re riddled with prob-
lems, some of which might be her
fault, so she flees her Florida
retirement village and shows up
in New York to save the day. A s the
women aim to solve their dilem-
mas, it becomes apparent that
Wendy has plenty of her own.
“The Wise Women” is cheerful
and full of heart.

Kings of B’more,
by R. Eric Thomas
The YA debut of humor writer
Thomas introduces readers to
Harrison and Linus — Black,
queer best friends about to be
separated by a move. They plan a
“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off ”-worthy
goodbye that involves a mini road
trip, their first Pride celebration
and a rooftop dance party, all of
which they enjoy while trying to
dodge their parents. “Kings of
B’more” is a fun, sweet ode to
Black joy.

The Maid,
by Nita Prose
Here’s a cozy mystery to take
along on vacation: It’s about Mol-
ly, a socially challenged house-
keeper at a fancy hotel who finds
a wealthy guest dead in the pent-
house. Once the police decide
she’s suspect No. 1 — an easy case
to make, based on her slightly odd
mannerisms — her organized life
is thrown into chaos. Fortunately,
an unexpected and quirky cast of
friends turns up to help prove her
innocence. “The Maid” is a light-
hearted mystery that shines as
Molly evolves and learns to con-
nect. It’s being adapted into a
movie starring Florence Pugh.

Feel-good reads

for when you n eed

a pick-me-up



ooking for ways to connect
with your teen? Here’s one
to try: Read their books, or
the books meant for them,
If you’re rolling your eyes right
now, we understand. But give this
a shot: Go to a local bookstore or
library and browse together.
(First, you must put down your
phones.) The YA section is boom-
ing, and we are hopeful that you
and your teen will be able to find a
handful of books you’ll both enjoy,
even if you end up reading t hem i n
separate rooms. (We know what
it’s like to raise teens!)
To help you navigate the
shelves, w e’ve compiled a list of 18
outstanding contemporary YA
books, including fiction, nonfic-
tion and graphic novels. These
books offer well-written, fast-
paced stories and memorable
characters that will appeal to you
whether you are 14 or 54. Sure,
some of them feature serious and
sometimes controversial topics —
but that’s what books are for and
why reading them with your kids
can be a learning experience for
(List created by Deborah Tay-
lor; book annotations by Karen

Aristotle and Dante Discover
the Secrets of the Universe,
by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
It’s the summer of 1987, and El
Paso teen Aristotle “A ri” Mendoza
is going through a rough patch.
Then Ari meets Dante Quintana
and life changes dramatically.
Sáenz takes us along Ari’s chal-
lenging and ultimately fulfilling
journey toward self-acceptance,
hope and love. (Note: Look for a
sequel, “A ristotle and Dante Dive
Into the Waters of the World”).

A Blade So Black,
by L.L. McKinney
Atlanta teen Alice Kingston
discovers her magic powers when
she meets Addison Hatta, who
lives in a place called Wonder-
land. Inspired by “A lice in Won-
derland” and “Buffy the Vampire
Slayer,” McKinney creates her
own rich fantasy world and intro-
duces a gutsy Black heroine.
(There is one sequel, “A Dream So
Dark,” and another, “A Crown So
Cursed,” expected next year).

Check Please!: Book 1:
by Ngozi Ukazu
Ukazu’s debut graphic novel
features a young man named Eric
“Bitty” Bittle, whose speed and
agility, honed in figure skating,
make him a skillful hockey player.
But Bitty, who also loves to bake
and vlog and is gay, is something
of a misfit on his college hockey

team until he finds love and learns
to accept himself for who he is.
(“Book 2: Sticks & Scones” is also

Clap When You Land,
by Elizabeth Acevedo
Two teen girls lose their father
in a plane crash and suddenly
learn that they are half-sisters. In
the midst of their grief, the girls
have to decide w hether to respond
to their complicated new connec-
tion with anger or love. In this
novel-in-verse, National Book
Award winner Acevedo writes
with grace and lyricism about
loss, family betrayal — and the
healing power of love.

The Downstairs Girl,
by Stacey Lee
Set in 1880s Atlanta, Lee’s novel
explores a little-known part of
U.S. history as it tells the story of
17-year-old Jo Kuan. Jo works as a
maid to one of the richest and
meanest ladies in town, while also
moonlighting as a newspaper ad-
vice columnist known as “Dear
Miss Sweetie.” The second job
gives h er the opportunity t o speak
her mind — and the consequences
are complicated.

Every Body Looking,
by Candice Iloh
Iloh tells the story of Ada, a
Nigerian American teen who
bears the burden of being the
oldest daughter in a dysfunction-
al family. Written in verse, the
book goes back and forth in time
to give readers a fully realized
portrait of Ada, including the
emotional scars inflicted by her
mother’s addiction, her struggle
to cope with her father’s loving
but heavy-handed parenting, and
her need to express her true self
through dance.

Firekeeper’s Daughter,
by Angeline Boulley
Te enager Daunis Fontaine
straddles two cultures: t he Ojibwe
heritage of her late father and her
White mother’s French American
world. As she prepares to start
college, things get even more com-
plicated when she reluctantly
agrees to join a federal investiga-
tion into a deadly new drug ravag-
ing her community and finds her-
self drawn into a web of lies,
suspicion, corruption and murder
in this gripping crime novel.

Forest of a Thousand
by Julie C. Dao
Julie Dao gives an East Asian
twist to the story of the Evil Queen
in “Snow White” in this intense
fantasy starring a memorable an-
tiheroine, 18-year-old Xifeng, who
is blessed with extraordinary
beauty and destined to become
empress of Feng Lu. That destiny,
however, has a high cost as Xifeng

must leave behind not only the
young man who has long loved
her but her very humanity. (Look
for the sequel, “Kingdom of the
Blazing Phoenix.”)

From a Whisper to a Rallying
Cry: The Killing of Vincent
Chin and the Trial that
Galvanized the Asian
American Movement,
by Paula Yoo
Yoo displays a novelist’s flair in
this compelling story of the 1982
murder in Detroit of Vincent Chin
and its aftermath. The book deftly
explores how the case has affected
the Asian American community
as well as the legal changes it has

Kiss Number 8,
by Colleen AF Venable
(illustrations by Ellen T.
In t his graphic novel, the happy
life of high-schooler Amanda
(“Mads”) turns chaotic when she
learns her father has withheld a
potentially explosive family se-
cret. Suddenly, Mads wonders
who she can trust as she tries to
understand why she wants to kiss
Cat, her best friend, instead of the
cute boy next door.

Last Night at the Telegraph
by Malinda Lo
In this National Book Award
winner, Lo expertly blends histor-
ical fiction, s ocial justice concerns
and a tender love story. Set in San
Francisco’s Chinatown in the
1950 s, the novel follows 17-year-
old Lily Hu, who has long had an
inkling that she is romantically
interested in girls, and when she
meets a White teen named Kath-
leen Miller, Lily’s well-organized
life is suddenly turned upside

March Trilogy,
by John Lewis and Andrew
Aydin (illustrations by Nate
The momentous early life of the
late U.S. Rep. John Lewis and his
struggle for civil rights comes to
vivid life i n this three-part graphic
novel series. The books chronicle
how Lewis and other civil rights
activists used nonviolent tactics
to protest racist policies at great
personal risk. Before he died in
2020, Lewis, working again with
Aydin, continued his story in
“Run: Book One.”

Patron Saints of Nothing,
by Randy Ribay
When 17-year-old Filipino
American Jay Reguero learns that
his teenage cousin Jun was one of
the thousands of victims of Philip-
pine President Rodrigo Duterte’s
brutal war on drugs, he feels com-
pelled to journey to the Philip-
pines to learn the truth about his

cousin’s life and death.

Punching the Air,
by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam
Sixteen-year-old Amal Shahid
is unjustly sent to prison after he
and his Black friends clash with a
group of taunting White teens.
Te lling their story in first-person
verse poems, Zoboi and Salaam
take us into the heart of Amal’s
pain and anger. Amal’s story was
inspired by Salaam’s experience
as one of five Black teens in the
Central Park jogger case, who
spent years in prison before being
exonerated of the crime.

Revolution in Our Time:
The Black Panther Party’s
Promise to the People,
by Kekla Magoon
Magoon presents a compre-
hensive history of the Black Pan-
ther Party, from its heyday in the
1960 s and ’70s amid intense per-
secution by federal authorities to
its eventual demise in the early
1980 s. Magoon concludes this
beautifully designed, timely vol-
ume by connecting the Panthers’
legacy to the current work of the
Black Lives Matter movement.

A Sitting in St. James,
by Rita Williams-Garcia
Williams-Garcia offers an in-
tense saga of family secrets and
treachery set just before the Civil
War as she tells the closely con-
nected stories of the Guilbert fam-
ily, the White owners of a failing
Louisiana sugar plantation, and
their enslaved workers.

by Lamar Giles
From the very first pages, Giles
plunges readers into a multifacet-
ed mystery that crackles with en-
ergy and action: A teen DJ named
Paris Secord (“ParSec”) has been
killed. Friends and fans join forces
to find justice for their friend.

Thirteen Doorways,
Wolves Behind Them All,
by Laura Ruby
Fourteen-year-old Frankie
Mazza is left at a Chicago orphan-
age — along with her siblings — by
their father, who claims he can no
longer care for them during the
Great Depression. Intertwined
with Frankie’s coming-of-age sto-
ry i s the tale of Pearl, the ghost o f a
teen who died traumatically years
before and now haunts the or-
phanage where Frankie lives.

Deborah Taylor is the former
coordinator of school and student
services at Enoch Pratt Free Library in
Baltimore and a national expert on
young adult literature. Karen
MacPherson is the former Children’s
and Youth Services Coordinator at
Takoma Park Maryland Library.

YA options

that will spark


with teens
















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