Scale Aviation Modeller International — November 2017

(ff) #1
aligned, there’s a noticeable
misalignment of the nose
panel and bow chine. The
solution is to sand off the
front of the chine so that the
plastic spray deflector will fit;
from head-on, however, the
misalignment can still be seen.
It’s not just at the front
that work is needed. All the
longitudinal seams need careful
alignment, filling and sanding,
as do the transverse seams where
the two-piece top deck attaches.
As usual, I used superglue
in lieu of filler, and there’s
inevitably some re-scribing of
panel lines and detail needed.
With the basic fuselage
complete, the tail surfaces can be
fitted. The stabilisers attach part
way up the fin and there are PE or
resin control horn/counterbalances
to add, the whole lot attaching
with a butt joint to the fuselage!
Serious dry fitting of this joint is
needed, and I also added a wire
strengthening pin to add some
strength. I also left off the poorly

moulded bracing struts until after
painting to simplify masking.
Courtesy of the PE upgrade
set, the outside of the fuselage
has a number of panels, hooks,
and handles. These are bound
to be vulnerable, so careful
handling is the order of the day.
The brass wheel well inserts
add significantly to the visible
detail. The tiny U-shaped
brackets, apparently intended
to locate the undercarriage
arms, are neat, but to be honest
they’re more trouble than they’re
worth, given the clunky nature
of the plastic u/c arms; another
time I’d leave them off.

The short-run nature of the plastic
is reflected in the fact that almost
every seam needs filler.

The central wing pylon has some sink marks
which need filling.

Joining the fuselage halves leaves
a mismatch at the bow. The
solution is to sand off the detail.

The resin engines build up reasonably, although the cowlings need a
fair amount of work to get them looking tidy.

The rear hatch is a blank lump. I made a new
one from plastic card and strip.

Surprisingly, the wing tips are separate, and
don’t fit very well. References show the wing
tips should be slightly upswept.



020-25-FEAT-TheBoat-1117.indd 23 16/10/2017 15:27

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