Scale Aviation Modeller International — November 2017

(ff) #1


ell, Eday has been
and gone and the
questions are ‘was
the new venue and format
okay?’Though the new venue
lacked the character of the
underground shopping centre
car park ( And the Co2 , Ed).
Which is, something I never
thought I would say! The
lighting in the competition
room wasn’t great, and it
was very busy in the room all
day. I personally found the
one-day format a bit short,
as I rather like the quieter
second day to catch up with
people and actually see the
models! I know Eduard are
taking on board the feedback
they receive from this year’s
show, so we will have to
wait to see what next year
brings us! I must confess
that despite the issues I had a
good day and I was very much
on a high at the end of the
show as I had just collected
an award for my tiny 1/244
scale Lilienthal glider!
There was some
interesting news from
various manufacturers at
the show and hopefully,
the Editor and myself
managed to get most of it!
If your company or product
is not featured and you would
like it to be, please contact us
at the editorial e-mail address.

By Tim Upson-Smith




Special Offer



Z/KP are offering a 10%
discount for kits ordered
online prior to Scale
Model World, Telford. There
are two special kits announced
an MB-6 and SR-53A. We
have no information on scale,
but I am assuming the MB-6
is 1/72 scale upgrade of the
MB-5 released last year?

Horton Wing for Plastic Winter



he Brengun 1/48 scale Chester
Jeep Special, was one of my Eday
purchases and is a lovely little kit,
which I am very much looking forward
to building. The 1/144 scale Horton 229
I was hoping to see at Eday has been
delayed slightly and will now, fingers
crossed, be released at Plastic Winter.
As usual, there have also been some
interesting accessories announced,
so keep an eye out for the next issues
accessory section for further news.

Shop re-boxed



nnounced at Eday
by the MPM model
shop in Prague is
that they are re-boxing
the 1/72 scale Hasegawa
Bristol Beaufighter for
the Czech market. There
will be three versions,
the Mk.I, the Mk.VI and
the Mk.I, VI and 21 in Australian
service. As well as the Hasegawa
plastic, each kit has decals for
at least four versions, resin

exhausts by Quickboost and
paint masks by KP. Hopefully,
some of these kits will become
available in the rest of Europe.

10% OFF!

Mule for Two



ew from KP in 1/72 scale
we have an Avia CS-199
two seat trainer version

of the Czech build Jumo engine
Bf109 nicknamed the Mule
by its pilots. In 1/48 scale the
Su-7BM will have been released
by the time you read this.





he 1/144 scale Dornier 17
that was announced by
Mark 1 has been delayed
a little, but I am sure the end
result will be worth the wait.
In the meantime, I can
announce that Mark 1 will be
releasing a 1/144 scale Let Blanik
glider. This type of glider has
seen civil and military service in
multiple countries across Europe
and the rest of the world, and this
new small-scale kit would make
an ideal canvas to show some of
its attractive colour schemes off.


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