Scale Aviation Modeller International — November 2017

(ff) #1


or the first time in many
years, the largest model
show in the Czech Republic
was not in the underground car
park of a shopping centre instead
it moved to the top hotel and
conference centre on the outskirts
of Prague. It also changed from
a two day show to just one day, so
the organisers must have been
a little nervous as to how much
all these changes would make
to the atmosphere of the show.
Well, the good news in my view
this was one of the best E Days I
have attended; the show was busy
from start to end and certainly,
most traders were happy at the
end of the day. The competition

was well
attended and certainly, the
numbers of visitors to the show
seemed up on previous years.
Of course, there was a learning
curve when you do a show at a new
venue and with the mostly positive
feedback from those attending
the event I do not think E Day
will be going underground again
and personally I think the one-
day format is a very good idea.
As usual, I have included some
models from the competition
tables, though many walked
away with medals some just
caught my eye like the 1/72
Bell 47 in a bottle which had
many scratching their heads!

E Day Prague 2017




080-81-ShowReport-1117.indd 80 16/10/2017 15:48

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