Scale Aviation Modeller International — November 2017

(ff) #1
rather vague, so again I taped it in
place while the glue set. Once the
Glue ‘n’ Glaze had set, I reinforced
it with a few drops of CA glue. This
meant that I would then be able to
glue the engine cowling parts to
the bulkhead with normal glue. 
While the fuselage was setting,
I started work on the wings, which
I felt really did need improvement.
As moulded, they have flat ribs
running lengthwise across the
upper surface, while they are
completely flat on the undersides.
On the topside I merely added a
couple of pieces of plastic strip to
simulate ribbing on the ends of the
ailerons, while underneath I added
more plastic strip to represent the
ribs corresponding to those on
the upper surface. Once set, these
were rubbed down with wet-or-
dry paper to make them subtler.
The wing surfaces were then
covered in self-adhesive plastic
film (sometimes called parafilm) to
replicate the smooth doped finish
of the prototype. This proved a
bit tricky to finish near the wing
tips, where it tended to crease
over the complex curves of the
surface. I cut these wrinkles out
and used a smear of filler to blend
in the surface to a smooth finish.

With this all done the wings
were fitted to the fuselage, again
using Glue ‘n’ Glaze, but first I
masked the side windows with
more Bare-Metal Foil while I
could still get to them easily. The
struts were fixed with CA glue.
I also fitted the horizontal tail
surfaces at this stage, having
first drilled them and the fin to
take rigging wire. To ensure that
the hole was in the same place
on both tailplanes, and since the
location for the hole is not marked,
I held the taiplanes together and
drilled right through them.
Turning now to the front of
the fuselage, I fitted one side of
the cowling, then made the engine
fit into it; it needed some work

With the bulkhead fixed firmly in place, the
starboard nose half was glued to the bulkhead
using normal polystyrene cement. Some
careful filing and sanding was then required to
fit the engine.

Apart from a bit
more filler to
shape up under
the nose, the
model is ready
for paint

The model with just the port nose half, radiator
grille and exhaust pipe to be added prior to



082-87-FEAT-ClarksField-1117.indd 84 16/10/2017 16:03

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