Scale Aviation Modeller International — November 2017

(ff) #1
weathering and burnt effect were
now added using Hot Metal Violet
and Sepia, Steel Pigments and
different washes. The airframe
was given a clear coat of Alclad
Aqua Gloss in preparation of the
forthcoming ordeal that was to
present itself- decaling. I say ordeal
because there were more than 500
(yes- five hundred) decals! The
main airframe markings were
straightforward and easy enough
to apply, but there was an absolute
myriad of stencils to be added and
this took me the best part of thirty-
hours to complete. These were
then sealed with another gloss
coat. I then set about weathering
the surfaces as I like to try and
achieve an authentic finish on all
my models. Once I was happy with
the look I added a coat of Hataka
Lacquer Flat Coat and when this
had dried I used a dirt and grime
wash, which soaked nicely into
the flat coat, leaving only faint
traces, but adding a bit of depth to
the weathering. Although pleased
with the result, my reference
material showed that the finish
just too flat. So, I used some 3600
grit Micromesh to rub down the
airframe, leaving it smooth, and
then I sprayed on a couple of

coats of Gloss on, then buffed it
with a couple of different grades
of Micromesh, 6000 and 8000,
and this gave me the finish I was
looking for, dirty but shiny. I then
turned my attention to dirtying up
the wing fuel tanks and painting
and detailing the weaponry. This
aircraft carried quite an extensive
array of armament, made up of
AIM-7 Sparrows under the fuselage
and AIM-9B Sidewinders plussix
Mk.82 bombs with fuse extenders
on the underwing pylons.
The missiles were all glued
together and seams removed.
The AIM-7s and AIM-9s were
then given a primer coat and then
painted Gloss White, before being
decaled. The Mk.82s were sprayed
Olive Green with two Yellow bands

The Mk.82s were painted Olive Drab

....and the colour built-up
gradually on the upper.....

Missiles and bombs on the
LAU-7 launcher

The airframe was
first primed....

Tanks and weaponry ready
to add to the Phantom


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