Global Aviator South Africa — December 2017

(Dana P.) #1

50 Vol. 9 / No. 12/ December/January 2017/18 Global Aviator

Industry news

Airbus Helicopters has been
awarded a contract from
South Korea's National
119 Rescue Headquarters
for the purchase of two
additional H225 helicopters.
The National 119 Rescue
Headquarters currently operates an
all-Airbus helicopter fleet comprising
two AS365 N2 and two H225. This
new purchase will bring the fleet

South Korea's

National 119



acquires two

H225 helicopters

New order will bring its
all-Airbus fleet to six

The Middle Eastern
country has expressed
interest in Russian
equipment and technology
and is a possible customer
for the SSJ-100 and
MC-21 civil aircraft.

Victor Kladov, Director of
International Cooperation and
Regional Policy, Rostec Corporation,
confirmed in an interview with TASS
News Agency at the Dubai Air Show,

that the two countries have had active
interaction in many fields although
he choose not to go into details.
“Among other topics, we discuss
our achievements in aviation with
our partners as well as the possible
supply of the SSJ-100 and MC-21
civil aircraft. The MC-21 is a 100%
Russian development and has good
prospects after it enter the market.
The Sukhoi Superjet is being actively
operated and supplied to a number
of countries. The talks are on going,
Saudi partners are interested in
our aircraft,” he told TASS. •

Saudi Arabia / Russian


AHL project with China

We are now busy with a
very interesting project to
develop a new generation
advanced heavy lifter
(AHL) with China. If
everything goes to plan,
we hope to sign a contract
by the end of this year
or in the first quarter of
2018 and begin practical
work soon after that.
This is a two-sided project in which
Rostec and Russian Helicopters (part of
Rostec) play a significant role. The AHL
will be a principally new helicopter,
bigger than the Mi-17 but smaller than
the Mi-26. The heavy helicopter is being

conceptually created as a helicopter
primarily for the Chinese market. In
this particular case we could say that
the Chinese created the helicopter with
technological support from Russia. This
refers to components as well as key
parts and technologies,” Kladov said.
The take-off weight of the helicopter
is 38.5 tons, with a carrying capacity
14-15 tons. Negotiations at present are
for a general contract and as soon as
that is signed, a working contract will
be negotiated. The CR 929 is an equally
important project being conducted
by the two countries. JV and HQ in
Shanghai are already established
with the Research and Development
team is currently being organised.
“This project is important
in terms of technology as well
as politics,” said Kladov. •

Russian Equipment

and products in the spotlight


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