In Flight USA - December 2017

(Brent) #1

10 In Flight USA Celebrating 34 Years December 20 17


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# 1

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STRATUS-ESG Transponder

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STRATUS 2 ADS-B Receiver
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STRATUS 2Sw/AHRS.........$


GTX- 33 5 Transponder w/GPS

ADS-B Transponder w/Built-In GPS
$ 2995

Certified G5 EFIS PFD and DG/HSI


G5 EFIS PFD...$2149 G5 DG/HSI...$

thre e la rge la bs fo r tes ting a lte rn ati ve
fue ls, a dvan ced emis sions cont rol s, e lec -
tric al contr ols, engine s, an d br ake s; as
wel l a s la bs for au tomo tive trans missi on,
engi ne, fab ri cat io n, a nd tw o- a nd f our -
whe el dr ive dy namo mete rs. F or a nyo ne
who is in to c ars , thi s bui lding ’s be hin d-
the- sce nes lo ok at how th ey com e tog et h-
er is a m ust- see. As par t of AO PA’s la rg -
er e ffo rt to enc oura ge y oung peo ple in
avi at ion, many of Sout hern Illinois
Univ ers ity’s fligh t stude nts will be volun -
tee ring du ring th e eve nt. T he sc hool’ s
Fl ying Sal ukis are a c ompe titiv e for ce i n
the Na ti onal Int ercol legiate Flying
Asso cia tion cha mpio nships , la ndi ng in
the t op thr ee for the s eve nt h ye ar in a row
in 201 7. F or o utdoo rist s, C ar bon dal e is
loca ted n ear Sh aw nee Natio nal For est
and the Crab Orc har d N atio nal Wild lif e
Re fug e. Car bonda le is an ea sy fligh t
fro m many point s i n W isc onsin , Iow a,
Misso uri, Arka nsa s, nor th ern M issi ssippi
and Alabam a, Tennessee, Kentucky,
Indi ana , Ohi o, a nd Mich iga n.
Jack Edw ard s Airp ort, G ulf Sho res,

Ala bama : R elax on the be ach , sp ot b ot -
tle- nose dol phins on a dol phin cr use , ta ke
in G ulf Shor es and Or ange Bea ch f ishi ng
charters, and check out nearby golf
courses whi le you are in town for
AOP A’ s F ly -In. F or a fun fo od- tas tin g
expe rie nce , f oll ow tour iti nerar ie s for
are a spe cia ltie s suc h as gum bo, oyst er s,
shri mp, and key lim e p ie. Plus enjoy t he
ric h U .S. Nav al influen ce at n earb y
Pe nsa cola , Florid a, just 33 mi le s awa y. In
addi tion to w atc hing U.S. N avy p il ot s
tra in, hop e for a gla nce of the U.S. Navy
Bl ue Ang el s pract ici ng, or visit t he
Nat iona l N ava l Av iati on Muse um. P ilo ts
in A lab ama , Fl orid a, Ge orgia , Nort h and
South Carolin a, T enne sse e, A rka nsa s,
Louis iana , and Missi ssipp i w ill e njoy a
rel ativ ely shor t, sc eni c f light to the G ulf
Co ast ev ent.
Pat ter n of Su cc ess

AOPA’s t wo -day fly-in s will con ti n-
ue w it h in-d epth works ho ps on Fr ida ys
be fore the ma in S atu rda y e vent. The all-
da y i nte nsive wor ks hops, which in clu ded
ground school for IFR proficiency,
ow ne r-p er fo rmed m ai nte nance, o ve rwa-
te r and moun ta in f lyi ng te chni qu es and
sur viv al sk ills, and avi ation adventures in
201 7 pr ove d w il dly p opu lar wi th me m-
“W e a re wo rki ng on a new slate of
wor kshops for 20 18 tha t will off er han ds-
on e xpe rien ce s fo r pi lots t o i mpr ove t heir
avia tion know le dg e, sa fety, an d sk ill s, ”
said Ch ris Ea ds , A OPA dir ecto r of ou t-
reach a nd ev ents.
On Friday ev eni ng, f ly- in atten dee s
can p ar tic ipa te in t he B arnstormer s P ar ty,
pe ruse the ex hib it hall, an d walk th rou gh
the air cra ft di spla y.
The main fly-in ev en ts co nti nu e
Satu rda y, with a pancake breakfast, free
seminars, lunch, an exhibit hall and
AOPA Vill age, a ircraft displ ay, a nd Pi lot
Town H all w ith A OPA P resident M ark
Bake r. AO PA pl ans to expand its fly-out
and excursion opportunities, which
me mbe rs hav e e nj oye d d urin g t he p ast
fly- in se ason s.
Si nce A OPA l aunched t he r egional
fly- ins in 20 14, the ass oc iation h as ho st-
ed 18 e ve nts in 1 4 s tates: Texas, I nd ian a,
Ma ssa chuse tt s, Washingt on, C ali for nia,
Maryland, Georgia, Minnesota,
Colora do, Tenn essee, North Carolina,
Mic hig an, A rizo na, a nd O klahoma. Two
more events in two more states,
Conne ct icu t and Florida, are sti ll to come
in 2 017. T he a ss oc iation h as c onne cted
with more tha n 45,00 0 pi lot s where they
fly. M ore th an 5,5 00 AOPA me mbe rs and
avia tion ent husi asts ha ve volunt eered
ove r the past thre e years to help make the
eve nts run sm oot hly fo r attendees.
“W hen we se t out to host the regi on-
al fl y-i ns in 2 014, th e id ea was to be with-
in a few hundr ed mile s of eac h of our
me mbe rs wi thin a f ou r- o r fi ve-year p eri -
od, ” B aker sa id. “We ar e getti ng cl ose to
our me mbe rs , onl y a s ho rt f lig ht f or m ost
ba se d on al l of the l oca tions we ’ve been
to so far.
“W e lo ve g et tin g to m eet o ur m em-
be rs w her e t he y a re a nd e njoying a c ou-
ple of da ys of a vi ation with them.”
Fo r mo re inf or mation a bout AOPA ’s
Fly- ins visi t w ww

AOPA ’s 20 18 Fly-Ins
Con tinued from Pag e 8

Sandpi per on the shor es of Bo n Se cour
Natio nal Wild life Re fuge.
(Photo courte sy of the U.S. Fish
and Wild life Serv ice and AO PA)

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