In Flight USA - December 2017

(Brent) #1

Th e N ati onal Avi at ion Hall o f Fame
(NAHF ) rep ort ed last month th at th e
move of the ir a nnual Enshrineme nt
Di nne r & Cer em ony t o Fort Worth , Tex as
wa s a sm ashi ng success. Add itio nal ly, th e
or ga niza tio n i s alr eady seei ng in terest in
it s ne wl y launched Come With Us Cap ital
Camp aign.
Th e NAHF, whi ch be gan operations in
Da yton , Oh io i n 1 962, has held its
Ens hr in em en t Din ner & Ceremony in
Day ton for the l as t 54 yea rs. In December
2 016 the NAHF Board of Trust ees took a
hi sto ri c vot e to hol d the 2017 Ens hrinement
outs ide t he Day ton region. The
Con gr ession ally -char ter ed nonprofit took
thi s lea p of fa it h to increas e national visibil -
ity, all owi ng it to be tt er fulfill its mis sion. As
a res ult, the B oa rd saw an unprecedented
incr ease in sp ons orship and a surge in social
medi a eng age ment , indicating a growing
int er est in the brand and the event itself.
NAH F Pr esi de nt- ele ct Dav id Brix ey
expla ins, “O ur For t Wort h E ns hrin ement
even t w as successful on all acco un ts and
fulfil le d our go al of expandi ng th e NAHF
br an d to a larger dem ographic. This ev en t
mu st be subst an ti al so t hat our In ductees
are ho nor ed and our gu est s are insp ired.
Ou r cont inui ng mi ssi on is to create an
even t wo rt hy of na tio nal acclaim while
acc ep tin g o ur respo nsib ili ty to ens ure th e
pe rma ne nce of thi s organization we are
colle cti ve ly ent ruste d to s ust ai n. ”
On th e Fri da y ni ght prece ding th e
Enshri nem ent, th e NAHF lau nch ed it s
Co me Wi th UsCa pi ta l Cam paig n a t a VIP
Recep ti on in F ort Wo rth. New ly -e lected
NAHF Bo ard Ch ai rma n M icha el Quiello
shar es , “ Th e N AHF ha s a tw o-fold visio n
that w ill exe cu te s im ultane ously. F irst, th e
Bo ard seek s to c rea te an e ndo wme nt tha t
perma ne nt ly su stain s th e N AHF op era -
tion ally, exp and s th e NAHF b rand a nd
mi ssio n an d improv es th e o rg aniz ation’s
exi st ing pro gra ms. Co ncu rren tly, the
Learnin g Cent er, co -loca ted w ithin the
Nat ion al M us eu m of th e U nited S ta te s Air
For ce, will be ma de into a cutting edg e
dest inati on w here t he sto ries o f NAHF
En sh rin ee s a re to ld i n an inn ov ative, inter -
act ive sta te -o f-th e-a rt fac ility .”
Sixt een l ivi ng Ens hri nees , i nclu di ng
Eile en Col lins, B uzz Al dri n, Dick R ut an ,
Jo e Engl e, Bob Crippen, Tom Pob erezn y,
Ho ot Gi bson and Sean Tucker, came out
in f orc e t o support t he En sh rin em en t
even t. They also stan d read y to h elp s up -
po rt t he Com e W ith UsCampaign an d
su bse qu en t i mpr ove ment s to the Dayton -
ba sed f ac ili ty. N AHF Executive Director
Am y Spowart r epor ts, “Our Enshrin ees
are rol e m odel s, American hero es each

and eve ry on e. T he ir li ves are capt ured
and s ha red b y th e N AHF a ccordin g to
our mis sio n: To mo ti vate, t o insp ire and
to e nc our age n ot o nly fut ure gene ra tions ,
but a ll A me ric ans of al l ag es.”
Amid r epo rts th at NAHF le ade rshi p
has co ns id er ed mo vi ng t he L earn ing
Cente r o ut of Da yton, Cha irma n Q uiel lo

as sure s, “ That conc ept has nev er be en
co nside red by the T rus tee s and w e are
uns ur e of the mo tive s be hind th e er ro-
ne ous inf orma tion .”
The NAHF was fo und ed in Day to n in
196 2 an d ch art er ed by an Act o f t he U.S.
Co ngres s in 1 964. It s mis sio n i s to h onor
Ameri ca’ s aer os pace legen ds to ins pi re

futu re le ad ers, whic h it does t hrough a
17,0 00 sq uar e-fo ot pub lic Learni ng Ce nter
feat ur in g i nte ra ct ive e xh ibit s, a yo ut h e du-
ca ti on progra m, ot he r pu bli c ou trea ch p ro -
grams , it s an nua l en shr in emen t ce re mony
an d co llab or ation w it h li ke-m inde d org an -
iz atio ns. F or m ore info rm at io n, v isit
http ://w ww .na tion ala viatio n. org.

December 2017 21

Large Digital Display
Multiple Alarms
23:59hr Chronograph
99hr Count-Down Timer
28 City World-Time Zones
Perpetual Calendar
12 or 24 Hour Display
Hourly Chime
Electroluminescent BackLight
Altitude and Barometric Log
ATP 46 x 16mm ATP II 42 x 14mm


The ATP-Pro is
a more bulky,
strong G-Shock
type with a thick
plastic casing, but is

The ATP-Pro II is a more
conventional-sized model
with a Stainless Case and
Rubber Strap. The
ATP-Pro II can be for
either men or ladies.

Date Window
60 Minute Chronograph
1-Touch Instant Chronograph Reset
2nd Independent Time Zone
2nd Timezone 24 Hour Subdial
Large E6B Calculator Bezel
Constant Sweep Second Hand
Deploy Clasp on ALL models
100 Meter Water Resistant
Designed by and for Pilots
Screw-Down Locking Crown
7.5 Inch Strap/Bracelet Lengths
46mm x 13mm Case Dimensions
Serial Numbers engraved on Caseback







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