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rese arch var ious transpo rtationtopics. On
this particul ar resear ch,Emb ry-Ri dd le is
pa rt of the Center for Adva nce d
Tra nspor tation Mobi lit ywh ich includ es
colla bo rationwi thNo rthCaro lin aA&T
State Uni versi ty, the lead un ivers ity for
the pro ject;Vi rgin ia Polyt ech nic Institu te
and Stat eUni ver sit y(Virgi nia Tech); and
the Uni ve rsit yof the Di strict ofCo lumbi a

  • Comm uni ty Co llege.
    “Weare loo kin gatthe hum an sid eof
    it. For exa mp le, what are the ps ycholog i-
    cal be hav ioral cha nge s when pe ople
    expe rien ce pani c situ ation s,” Liu said.
    “Do the yhave aclear idea wh ere to go
    and do the yhave aclear un ders tan din gof
    the situa tion? Ho pefully, these model
    resu lts canlead topract ical impli cati on s
    and trainin g strat egies, and evacuatio n
    and ma nagement po licies that can be
    appl ied in the real world. ”
    The be ha vio ral aspect s are being
    studi ed alon gwiththeenviron men tal fac -
    tors such as the nu mber of do ors and
    floo rs inapart icul arstructure and thesize
    of the corridors. From the terro rist attacks
    of Sept .11 tonum erous airpo rt and air -
    craft evacuation s, und ersta nding how
    peop le react duri ng past emerg encies can
    lead to be tter evacua tion routes andplan s
    as we ll astrain ing strat egies to imp le-
    men tahe ad of an emergency. Theres ult s
    coul dalso lead to structu ral con sidera -
    tion ssuc has know ing how man ypeop le
    can safely evacuat ecert ainven ues du rin g
    agiv en per iodof tim eand ho wmany
    emer gen cy exi tdoors are needed.
    “Of ten the cha os that prese nts fro m
    human behaviorinthemidst ofan emer-
    gency aff ects the pro cessof anevac ua -
    tion ,” said Dr. Si rish Namilae, assistan t
    profess or ofAero space Eng ineering atthe
    Em bry -Rid dle Dayton a Be ach Ca mpu s,
    whois wo rkingontheresearch with PhD
    studen tPi errot Derjan y. Na mila ewill use
    mat hematical metho ds ins pire dfro mva ri-
    ous other fieldstotackle thisprob lem. “We
    use mo lec ulardy namicslik esocial force
    model s and queu ing- based model s to
    unders tand pe des tria n mo ve men t un der
    pani candcom eupwith policy sug ge s-
    tion s,”he adde d.
    Whil ethe team ’s research isloo king
    at pedestr ian move ment, Nami lae said
    the methodol ogi es can be exp and ed to
    inclu de cars on ahigh way durin ghurri -
    The resear ch team repo rts that in
    2015 there wer e 37 6 natu ral disas ters
    worldwi de res ul ting inthedea th of22, 76 5
    peop le, ma ny involving pede strian evac u-
    ations .Inarecent presen tation ,the team
    cited stampedes suc has on Sept. 24, 201 5
    when more tha n 2,0 00 peo ple died in
    Mina, Sau diArab iain anov ercrowd ing

incide nt during the Hajj pilg rimage, an
ann ual five -da y pilgri mag e to Me cca.
Reported as thedeadlies tdayin Hajj histo -
ryand one ofthewo rstaccid ents in the
world inde cades ,the stamp ed tookplace
befor etheJamara at Br idg e.
Th e team ha s also be en stu dying
num erous airpor t and airc raft evacu a-
tion s. For exa mp le,onJan. 6,2017 ,a
shoot ing at the Fo rt Lauderdal e-
Holly wo od Int ernational Air port resulte d
in five deat hs and six peopl e wer e
woun de d.Apassenger wh o flew from
Alaska to Fl or idawithagunin achec ke d
bag op ene d fire in the bagga ge claim
area. Ab out 30to40 othe rpeopl ealso
sus tainedotherinj ur ies durin gthe panic.
Areviewof theinc ident citedinad equa te
plans toefficientl yevacua tepa sseng ers
in anemerge nc y.
On Oct. 28 , 201 6, an Am erican
Ai rlines Boei ng 767’ s right engi ne
caug hton fireasitwas acce ler ati ng for
takeoffandmadeanemerge ncy evac ua -
tion on a run way at Chic ago O’Hare
Int ernat iona l Airport. Fl ight 383 to
Miami had 161 pas sengers and nine
crewm embe rswhower eevacu atedvia
slid es. Twe nty peopl erece ive ddiff erent
levels ofinjuriesinthe evac uat ion, wh ich
repo rts de scribedaschaot ic.
“Thi sproject isimportan tbecau se an
emer gen cy is somethin g that can easily
happen inour life,” said Yixuan Ch eng,a
mast er of science in aer onautics majo r
from Chi na, who has been stu dyingpast
evac uat ions and fact ors that impact human
behavi or.“Th emo stimportant goal unde r
aneme rgency is topr otec tliv es.Studies
abo ut how to ensu re succes sful evacu ation
when emerg encie shappen can contribute
tothis impor tantgoal.”
JieChe n, amasterof scien ceinaer o-
nauti cs ma joralso from China, isals o
study ing various facto rs from pre viou s
evacuatio ns and appl yi ng stra teg ies to
redu ceevacua tion tim es.
“Ai rpo rtope rat ors can us etheres ults
asabenc hm arktoplan or rein force theair-
por temerg ency plan,” Chen said. “Bycol-
lectingand anal yz ingtheairpor ts’ eva cua -
tio n tim e, the Fed eral Aviatio n
Adm inistr ation (FAA) can up date the
Ai rpo rtCi rcu lar (AC) andguid ethenov el
airpor top erato rstoprep are their AEPs in
differentemer gen tsitu ation s.”
Th eteamha sbui lt va rio us comp uter
mo delsandavirtual airport tocont inue to
experime nt inthe comin gye arsandloo k
atvariab lessuc hasho wage imp act sho w
people ma yeva cua te.
Dr. Jenn iferThr opp , assista nt pro-
fessorofGradua te St udie sin the Co lleg e
ofAv iat ion ,is wor king on the psych olog -
icalpa rt ofthestud iesand loo king atfac -

Embry-Riddle Team

Continued from Page 26

Con tin ued on Pag e 28
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