In Flight USA - December 2017

(Brent) #1

arlylast summ er,Ihop ped onan
11-h our flight from Los Ang eles
to Nand i, Fiji. Located in the
South Pa cific Oce an just west of the
Int er nati onal Da teline, approximately
2, 800 mi les east ofAust ral ia and1,600
mi les no rthof New Zeal and, Fij iis an
archip elago of more than 33 0 islan ds ,
1 00of wh ich are per manentl yinh abi ted.
In a previous article, I rha pso dized
over on eofFij i’s oute rislan ds–Vo mo.
After seve ral dayson that islan d, we he ad-
edtoViti Le vu, themain island in theFiji
arch ipela go, wh ich the loc als affection ate -
lyrefer to as “Th eMainlan d. ”
We bo arded the Airbus AS35 5Twin
Sq uirr el Helicopter and too k off fro m
Vomo Island .This part of theocean is
pe pp ered wi thsmallislands .Du rin gthe
15 -minut efligh tthe water was soclear,
we neve rlost sight of the ocean bott om
from ou r10 0-f eet- above-s ea- lev el fli gh t.
As we appr oach ed ou r int eri m sto p at
Toko riki Isl and, the clear wh ite sand y
be achcame into vi ew. The wat ers were
bu stling withsnor ke lers who cou ldmere -
ly step from the be ach and head for the
cora lreefs. But first ,aperfun cto ry hi sto -
ryand ge ogr aphy lesso n.

ABrief Hi stor y

Abou t 150 million years ago , vo l-
cani cactivi ty eruptedin the Sou th Pa cifi c.
Oneaus pi ciou sresu ltwas theformation of
the Fiji Islands. Hi sto ria ns tell ustha tFiji
wassettle dsomewhere arou nd35 00 BC.
ThePo lynesians ,people known for their
seafarin g skil ls, like ly di scover ed the
island .There is some evid enc e tha t the
Melan esian cultu re als o settle d on the
island sduring thesame perio d.
Of cour se, as ne wsett lers arrived ,
incessant warf are became the past ime.
So me ofthe more pop ular local cuisi nes
and war rati ons wer ederi ved fro mcan ni-
ba lism .One guy, Ratu Udre, claim sto
ha veconsum ed over 800 people.
Abe lTa sman,theDutch East Ind ia
Com pany expl orer after whom the
Tasma nianSea was named, stop ped by
Fi ji in 164 3. Other European s, con sist ing
of missi onari es, traders and wh alers ,fol -
lowe dinthe19 th century. In 18 74 ,the
British added Fi ji toits empire anddevel -
op edthesugar pl antati ons. Amo ngoth er
things, the Br itish imported an epidemic
of me asle s, wh ich took the liv es of over
40 ,00 0Fi jians.

In19 70 ,the Br itish gran ted independ-
ence toFiji. Dem ocra tic rule ens ued,but
wasint erruptedinthe 1980s bytwo mili -
tarycoups .Aser iesof new constitutio ns
fol low ed the cou ps and Fiji is now a
repub lic. Add itional coups emerg ed in
2000 and 20 06 .The courts overtu rned A
2009 coup .What ever gov ernm ental con-
figu ration sur vi ves tod ay seem s beyond
the com pr ehensi onof all butthemosteru-
ditepo litical sci entists .Su ffice it to say
tha t, asatou rist,Ifelt free, comfortab le,
secur e and bereft of any gover nm ental
imp osi tionon my trav els .Lo cals appear
happ yandcont ent.Tod ay, thegover nmen t
iscomp ose dofademocratically elected
parliamen tand aPr ime Minis ter.
Cu rrentpo pul atio nconsi sts prim ari -
ly of ind igenou s Fiji ans who migra ted
from Melane sia and Polyn esia. Oth ers
areIndo- Fi jians, de scenda nts of Ind ian
labor ers br ought to Fiji by Br itish
colon ists inthe180 0s. Asmall seg ment
ofthepo pul atio ncons ists of imm igra nts
from Ro tuma Island, Eur ope andChi na.

Geo gr ap hyand Cl ima te

VitiLevu ,thelarge stisland in Fiji ha s
a pop ul ation of 60 0,0 00 peop le. Alo ng
with Va nu a Le vu, the second largest

island ,these two acco untfor87per cen tof
thetotalpopul ationof 89 8,000.
Fiji me asur es 90 miles long and 60
mil es wide –simi lar ,bu tslightl ysma lle r
in siz etha nthe sta te of Ne wJerse y. Fiji
cover sabo ut 75, 000 squa remi les, 10 per-
cent of whic hisland. The twoma in cities
areSuva and Nan di. Suva ,the pr imar y
seapor talongthe south eas tshor eof Viti
Le vu, is the capit al.
The warm, tropica lma rin eclima te
pr odu ces hott er weather from No vem ber
to Apri l. Ra inf all is frequ ent. Cyc lone s
oc cur with some frequen cy.
Fiji is endowed with dense forests,
mineralsandfarmland.Fish populationsare
abundant.Natural resourcesincludetimb er,
fish, gold, copper,hydropowe randoffshore
oil.Sugarcaneproductionandtourism are
hugecomp onentsofthe economy.
In addit ion to Vom oRe sor t, Iwas
imp res sed with the fol lowi ng tworesor ts.
Shera ton Res or t & Spa, To koriki
Island,Fiji,800/325-3535,www.s heraton
Abo ut 20 mil es off the ma inla nd
nor thw est of Na ndi ther eis ama gni ficent
min i-a rch ipel ago called the Ma manuca
Isl ands. The movi eCast Awaywas
filmed he re.Wit hin this gr oup ofisl ands,
jus ta15- mi nut ehe lic opte ror seapla ne

jaunt from Nadi Airportoroneho urby
boa t, isthesec lude dSheratonResortand
Spa .Th isrelaxinggetaway, withitstrop-
ical isl and breezes, is ideal for water
activi tie ssuc has jetskiing, windsurfing,
divin gand snorkeling.
Roo ms range frommodern,com for t-
ablebeachfront qu arters tohug esuit eswith
theirownplunge pool s. For ultim ate priva -
cy,guest qu arter saredisp ersed throughou t
theacreage. Fo rgr eatersec lusi on, some of
therecreatio nareas aredivid ed into sec-
tionsfor adult sandchild ren.
TheSp ais peacefully ne stle dwithi n
theadults-on ly sideof the isla nd.Aran ge
oflocal Fijian style spatreatment sfro ma
deep massa ge to a bri dal bli ss can be
enjoyed wi thinthis tra nquil islandsetting.
This resor tis alsodedicatedtokids.
The La ila iKids Club gui des childrenin
the devel opme nt of play, educ ationand
soc ializi ng ski lls. Ac tivities sup ervi sed
by an expe rt staff he lp kids sharpe n
hea lth ybody bui lding talents.Kidscan
create be aut ifu lsandartor makeflower
bra cele tsand nec klacesfor theirpa rent s.
The y can explor e rock formation s and
eng age in both wa ter and landsports.
The resort ha sanexc ellent choi ceof
resta ur ant s. Th eFlyingFi shoffersavari-
ety of menu sthr ougho utthe day.Daily
the med buff ets di splay tempting selec-
tions from aroun d the world includi ng
sea food ,me atsandpastas.
The outdoor ReefBistroisavibrant
café-styl eve nue, servi ngtapasand pizza
at lunch tim e and trans for ming into a
vibr antrelaxe dfoodandbeveragesve nue
in the eve nings.
If yo uarepla nni ngawedding ,the re
arefewbe tte rspot sthantheSheraton ’s
wedd inglawn, whi chflowsrigh ttothe
bea ch.
Beach act ivities include paddle
boa rdi ng, scuba diving,snorkelingand
jetskiing –or justhang ingoutatthis
imma culat ebe ach.
Fij i Ma rr iott Resort Momi Ba y
http://www. ma rri ot
fij i-m arriott- resort-momi-bay
This fiv e-sta rresortrecently opened

December 2017 29


Flying With Faber

Con tin ued on Page 30


Beau tifu lTok or ikiBeach. (Courte sy Sher aton Hot el)

Ae rialView,FijiMarri ott Resort Momi
Ba y. (Cou rtesy Fij iMarr iott)

Momi Ba yMarriott.
(Co ur tesy Fij iMar riott )
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