In Flight USA - December 2017

(Brent) #1
30 In Flig ht USACelebrating 34 Years Decembe r 201 7

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Turn to Page 48 for details.

along the clear blu ewaters of Mo mi Bay.
Ac comm odat ions con sist of stu nnin gly
de sign ed rooms and suites in tradi tio nal
bui ldin gs, pl us a uniq ue coll ecti on of
ove r-wa ter vil las. The res ort featu res an
array of invit ing facil ities , inclu ding a
ma gn ifi cent inf init ypool wi th sweep ing
vie ws of the ocean, three res taurant s, a
fitne ss center andaspa.
Thi sreso rt off ers theoptio nofov er-
wa tervi llas with eith er ocean or lago on
vie ws. Each vi lla ha s vault ed ceili ng s,
sle ek fur ni ture, alivin g/si tting area and
num ero us US Boutl ets .Sizes rang eup to
646 squa re feet. Oth er guestro om s are
hou sed in attract ive two -story bui ldi ng s.
TheQu anSpa is ago rgeou sfac ility
wher e you can relax and enjoy a bo dy
scrub ,bo dywrap,footbath, afac ial, mas-

sageorman icur e. Af ter being pampered ,
take adi pintheSpa’ spriv ate plu nge pool.
Gu est scan availthe mse lvesofavari-
ety of cuisines wi thout ever leaving the
resor t.Go jiKitchen andbaroffers all-da y
dini ngfrom tradi tion al breakfasts toAsia n-
fusion sel ect ion sfor lun chanddi nner.
Th e Fi sh Bar de live rs fresh loca l
seafoo din aroma ntic atmo sphere wi th
gr andio se sunsetand oc ean views. The
Lagoon House & Bar is a poolside
restauran tservingcasua lMedit err ane an
fare.De light ful be verages areserve dat
theswim- up ba r.
Open all da y, the Lagoon Lounge
offers atast eofFiji fro mdusk until dawn.
Siponasign atur ecoc ktail, acupoftea or
afresh lybr ewed cof fee. Fo rligh ter selec -
tions, the Fiji Bakin g Co mpan y serv es
baked goo ds, sand wic hes andsalad s.
Indo or andoutdo or activ itie sincl ude
vi sit sto the fitne ss cen ter ,swimmi ng in
on e of the nu me rou s pools (inc ludin g
adu lt and ki d’s pools ), whir lpool ,boa t-
ing, jetski ing ,kayaki ng or table tenni s. I
especially enj oy ed just roamin gove rthe
exp ans iveacreage ,meande ring alo ng the
be achorstealin gaglimpse ofthewild
ho rsestrotti ng in theshall owtide.
For meet ings,thereare sevenattractive
event room sinmo re than 70,000square
feet of space. Take your spouse-to-beand
get hitched withtheseashore asastunning
backd rop .The resortoffersseveralinterna-
tional cui sine- packe dwe ddingplans.
Th eresort canarrang eoff-site activ -
itie ssuc has azip line park ,the Sabeto
Hot Sprin gs and Mu d Bath s, a go lf
cou rse,hi kin g, skydi vi ng or avisi tto a
Hind uTe mpl e.

Sigat ok aRiver SafariTo ur

Th esecon dmorni ng onthe ma in-
land , I awok e with excite men t. I was
abo ut to emb ark on a tour alon g the
Si ga toka Ri ve rto visi tan authe ntic Fiji an
agricu ltur al vil lag e and mix with the
Kaivit ipeopl e, theorig ina lFijians.
Weboar ded acol orful busand wer e
driven from the Momi Marr iott to the
quaint town of Sigat ok a. Kn own as “Fiji’s
SaladBow l” foritsimpr ess iveproductio n
ofvege tabl es, the valley saro undSig ato ka
aredo tted wi th small farm s.

We spentanhour browsi ngthrough the
shopsand samp ling some ofthe local cui-
sine.We boardedanotherbusandhead ed to
theSigatokaRiverwhe rethebrightred jet
boatsawa itedus.The trip up theriver tothe
village wa sspectacular.Wecruised bysmal l
fami ly farms , villages, dense forests and
rollingprairies.Weobservednat ive Fijians
frolickingandwor kinginthe river.Some
were fis hin g; othe rs we re swi mm ing,
bathing and playing.

Wearrived atthecomp ound ,wh ich
consisted ofabout 50families .Westrol led
through thepastures ,thevillag eandsome
ofthehom es.Wegath ered in ahall,sat on
the floor and par ticipated in a spiritual
Fijian cer emony. Th eentire villagejoined
in. Th e ch ild ren were ob edie nt and
respectf ul of the adults. Mot he rs and
father sgentlyembrace dtheir children.
Afte rthe ceremony ,we gath ered in
the di ning room. The enti refloor, cove red
in br ightl ycolore dtapes tries, wastrans-
form ed int othe di ni ngtable .We allsaton
the flo or nex ttothese table clot hs.Pl att ers
brimm ing with fruits ,gr ain sand ve ge ta-
bles, all gro wn inthe vil lage pa stu res,
wer espre ad be for eus.
After lunch,ourhosts tookouttheir
musical instruments and began to play.
Soon, every onerose, selecte dpartners and
weallbegantodan ce. With in an hou r, we

were surfe ite dandexha usted.We proc eed-
edonthelon ghi keto theboa ts.
Th eride ba cktothebasewa sexc it-
ing. Thesejetboatsarecapable of great
spee ds and rip- roaringmaneuvers.“Hol d
on,” shoute dthe captain as he cut the
whe el shar ply to the right. Th e boat
bank ed to asteepangl elike anairplanein
astee ptur n. Sud de nly,we wereina360-
degr eecycle ,the nanot he rintheopposite
dir ection. Our bodiesand clothi ng were
soak ed from hea dto toe .Wereturnedto
the doc kand wit hinashort time,thehe at
of theda ycomp letelydr iedus. Tiredand
happ y, we boar de dthebus ba cktotow n.
Fiji is a coun try burgeon ing with
exc itin g, vig orou s activities and where
you can imme rse you rselfinthe indi ge-
nous cultur e.Yo ucanretreattoexclusive
luxur y resor ts. You can rent an entire
isla nd to your self.Youcan visitvibrant
villa ge sandremote farmland.Youcan
trave ldo wn rive rs tovi sitlocals asthey
have livedand flourishedforcenturies.

Fly ing With Faber
Contin ued from Page 29

Ove r-Wat er Lagoo nVi lla.
(Co urte sy Marr iott Mo mi Bay)

Oce an Fron tVil la.
(Co urte sy Mar rio tt Mo mi Bay)

Marriot t’sPi zza- best in the pa cific.
(Stua rt J.Fa ber)

chil dre nan dpar entsjoinedin the cere-
mony. (CourtesyStua rt J.Faber)

Farm Scene. (Stuart J.Fa ber)

Tran quil Sus tain ingFar mland.
(Stuart J.Faber)

Sigat oka Riv er JetBoat.
(Cou rtes ySig otok aRiv erSafa rie s)

Nativ eFi jian Farm. (Stu ar tJ.Fabe r)
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