In Flight USA - December 2017

(Brent) #1
M0.) Thi sSti nson 10A will beresto red to
its Worl dWar II configurati on inord er to
shar ethe impor tant role ofthe Civil Air
Patro lin Wor ldWa rII. When res tored ,it
will hel pcom mem or atethe civi lian pilo ts
whic hga llant ly pat rolled the home fron t.
Plane 6: AT- 11 Kansa n(Mo riarty,
N.M.) This air plane actu ally served inthe
Albuquer que area duri ng Worl d War II,
wher e it trained bom bardi ers! Help thi s
rare “hom etown hero ” hono r the you ng
bombar dier swho trained inthe sout hwest -
ern deser tbef or egoing overseas.
Pl ane 7: L- 17 Navi on(So uth St.
Paul , Min.) Li aison aircraft like this
Nav ion pl ayed acrucial role in mi litary
conf lict ,but today it pl aysacentral role
as an after-school pr oject for you ng stu-
dent sin the area. Si gni ficant fun dsare
nee de dtokeep thi sproject ontrack and
kee pthe se student sengag ed.
Pla ne 8: A-26 Invade r(En id,Ok la.)
The A-2 6 refl ects many unique desi gn
inno vatio ns. Unf or tunat ely, one of those
featu res, the self -seal ing fuel bl add er,has
grou nded thi sair craft.Unti lthe fuel blad der
canberemove dand replace d, thisaut hent ic
combat veter an won’ tbe abl etofly.
Plane 9: PT -19 Cornell(Olathe ,
Kans.) Ameri ca’s heartl and was the train ing
home tomany young aviat orsinWo rldWar
II. Thisspeci al PT- 19 has been ademan ding
rest orati on,with mo re wo rk bein gdisco v-
ered as volun teer sdiveintotheproject.
Pl ane 10: N3 N(Re no, Nev.) Doyou
reme mbe rwh at first attracted yo uto avi-
ation ?For many Navy pil ot sthe N3 N
woul dha ve been thei rfirst taste offligh t
durin gtraini ng. Wit hho pes to conti nue
this cha rge, once theaircraft is res tored ,
volun tee rspl an tobu ild an edu catio nal
prog ram center ed aroun dthe N3 Ngeared
towa rd kids inthearea.
Pl ane 11: PBY Catali na(Du luth,
Min.) PBY crews are amon g the U.S.
Mi litary ’s forg otten warriors. Hu nt ing
subma rines, rescuing air cre ws and
sailo rs, supp ort ing this resto ratio n will
ensur etheirstor ies are tol d! Click tolearn
more about thi saircraft.
Plane 12: BT -13 Va lia nt(Sa n
Marco s, Tex.) .On ce this rest orationproject
iscom pleted ,thi saircr aftwil lhelp trai n

CAF pil ots .Tha t’sright,CA Fpilots, like
theyoung Wor ldWar II aviators didinthe
1940s, mustalso startwi thaBas icTrainer
likethe BT-13. Th is grounduprestoration

still needssignificantworkandtheclock is
tickingto get mo re CA Fpilotsqualified to
helpensureour fleetremainsactive.
For more infor ma tionabou tany ofthe

airc raft and donating toward the m, visit
http://www.c rowdrise. com/12Plan es or for infor -
mation aboutCA Fandthe campa ign ingen-
eral ,visit http://www. commemorati vea irforce.or g.

December 2017 http://www.inflightusa.c om 39

Four jam packed days
of the coolest stuff sure
to spark your engines!

See acres of sport aircraft, conventional aircraft, kit planes,
powered parachutes, trikes, gyros, amphibians, and drones!
You can demo exciting simulators, and take workshops to learn
amazing stuff like how to build your own plane. Don’t worry
there will be food trucks for re-fueling so you can keep going.
Believe us... you’re going to want to!

Buy tickets online today:

Contin ued from Page 36

Commemorative Air Force

EAA ST C, LL C has on Nov. 16
received FAA appr oval to begi nsellin g
STC sfor the Cessna 177 series forthe
ins talla tion of the Tr uTrak Viz ion
Aut opilot. The Appro ved Mod el List
(AML) for thi sSTC also inclu des mod els
Fthru Sof the Cessna 172 series.
Th eVi zionautopilotis atwo- axi ssys -
tem wi th vertical and horizon tal navi gatio nal

capabiliti es, includin ginterfaci ngwithmo st
comm on GPSunit sfor en routenavigation.
Th etotalcos tofthe autop ilot syste m
andins tallation kit is set at$5, 000.
“The sys temis ve ry intu itive ,” sai d
Tom Cha rpent ier, EA A Gove rnm ent
Relatio ns Directorand Preside nt of the
EAAEmp loy eeFlyingClu b, wh ich flie s
thefirst ST Ce dCessna 172. “Itisatrue

asset inthe cockpi t, pa rti cula rly onsolo
cross- coun try flight s, and its saf etyfea-
tur es such as over bank pro tectio n and
recove ry to levelflig ht withthe pu sh of a
butt on are incr edib ly valu able .”
TruTr ak is actively engineering new
installationsexpandthelist of approvedmo d-
elsfortheSTC ,incoordinationwith EA A.If
youwouldlikeyouraircraft addedto the

STC, fill outTr uTr ak’s onlineform(tru trak-
flightsy ste ms.us1 6.lis t-man /su b-
scribe? u= eb965d b432e35 f6f5 c267 660 a
&id =c c8c4ff893)
EAA me mbe rswitheligibleaircraft
canbuy the ST Cfor$100onEA A’sweb-
site atww w.eaa.or g.


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