Australian Aviation — January 2018

(Wang) #1

CHC acquired the aircraft to meet
the needs of Woodside which itself
wanted fleet diversity having been
reliant on five CHC-operated AW139s.
“At its core the AW189 is a
completely different machine to the
AW139. However it does share about
30 per cent of the components of its
elder fleet mate, mainly in the avionics,
and as such it’s easier for pilots to
transition between types due to that
familiarity,” D’Rozario comments of the
two Leonardo aircraft.
Importantly, the AW189 doesn’t
share critical components with any
other helicopter in the CHC fleet. As
a result, there are now two distinct
types in CHC’s Woodside operation,
which protects both businesses against
the risks associated with single-type
D’Rozario reckons Leonardo has
created a new standard for offshore oil
and gas transportation,
“This aircraft is a game-changer
for oil and gas operations. It’s got
the range and payload capability to
make it very appealing for the routes
that organisations like Woodside
need it for, with significant cost
savings in acquisition and operations

“We’ve had great feedback from
those people travelling on the 189s.”
To improve passenger and crew
comfort, the 189 incorporates an
auxiliary power unit, allowing the
aircraft to remain airconditioned
while on the ground, while much
consideration has been taken to
reduce vibrations and minimise noise
from the rotors.
Still, a flight on an offshore support
helicopter like the the AW189 is a
unique experience, distinct from other
forms of commercial aviation, as
D’Rozario explains.
“Flying on an AW189 isn’t quite
the same as your usual commercial
airplane experience. Passengers wear
full lifejackets during the flight and
the noise from the rotor means we
rely on headsets to communicate
during flight. But it’s a comfortable
experience. The doors are closed,
they have big windows and it’s
airconditioned. The seats are like
those found in your typical economy
class cabin but seatbelts are of a four-
point design rather than your standard
sash belt.”
These are tools of the trade,
after all.

when compared to helicopters in the
heavy category. This means it’s more
cost-effective to operate, making a
significant impact to transportation
costs for projects across Australia.”

Flight experience
Technological improvements form
just one of the benefits of the AW189,
with passenger experience a key
consideration in its design.
“The AW189 comes with many
benefits for passengers when
compared to other helicopters. It’s
quieter with noticeably less noise
and vibration, while the aircraft has
excellent flying characteristics making
for a smoother ride,” comments

The AW189 complements the
larger Sikorsky S-92 in CHC’s

The AW189 joins the smaller
AW139 (pictured) in the CHC

AW 189

‘This aircraft

is a game-

changer for

oil and gas


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