Australian Aviation — January 2018

(Wang) #1


‘Muscle memory’ is another
aspect that Matt had to deal with in
transitioning to the Edge 540. As any
aviator can relate, one’s hands can be
very tempted to move towards a switch
or control position that was learned
on a previous type but which is not
to be found in the new aircraft. This
tendency can be exacerbated under
increased pressure and air racing is
a pressure-cooker of the first degree.
The MXS and Edge have opposing
locations for their throttle and canopy-
release handle, for example, and one
can imagine the outcome of confusing

those two in the heat of an air race.
Fortunately, this has not occurred but
then again, nothing about the 2017
season was done off-the-cuff.

The long game
Achieving any worthwhile endeavour
takes time and persistence and
pursuing a Red Bull Air Race title is
no different, particularly when you
are forced to introduce a new aircraft
type at the eleventh hour. And while
the introduction of the Edge was
further complicated with new team
technicians settling in with the team

during the early rounds of the season,
from the outset Matt Hall Racing had
commenced season 2017 with 2018
very much in its sights.
The time involved for the Edge 540
to reach its fullest potential meant
the team full well understood that
race results would be impacted. So
from the beginning of the season, one
of the team’s goals was to embrace
the change and work towards seeing
results late in the season.
As if to script, Matt came third
in the sixth round in Portugal, after
quietly accumulating points in the


about the

2017 season

was done off-


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