Scale Aviation Modeller International — Janaury 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
The nose was masked off and painted Traffic Red

to protect the paintwork, and
prepare the surface for the decals,
the ones supplied in this kit were
excellent and really easy to apply. I
let them dry for a day and then
added another Gloss coat to
seal them in. Next, I used a
bespoke oil wash over the
entire airframe and then set
about carefully removing the
excess, again always working
in the direction of the airflow
using a soft cloth. You can remove
as much or as little as you like
to achieve your desired finish.
The metallic plates that
cover the engine were then
masked off and painted
with Aluminium. Once
everything had completely
dried, I added a coat of
Hataka Matt Varnish.
To simulate even more
weathering effects, and as
camouflage consisted of
two Greys and a Dark Green,
I had to use something
more than White and Black
oil paints for the highlight
and shadows. So I used a
Green shade to give some
different tones on the Dark Grey,
to create a faded and worn look,
and to simulate shadows, I used
Dark Blue on the corners and in the
recessed areas. Next small oil dots
were then applied in places where
dirt would accumulate, and these
were dragged and blended with
the wide brush damp with White
Spirit, again in the direction of the
airflow. Next, some Raw Umber was
added to the areas that would see
wear and tear as the maintenance
personnel worked on the aircraft.
Hataka Night Black was then

sprayed to simulate the exhausts
from the exhaust pipes. Some dark
pigments were also added too to
give texture to the dirt, and these
were built up in several thin layers.
At this stage I added all of the
smaller items such as the wheels
undercarriage doors and such.
Once these were all firmly attached
I applied some scratches on the
propeller blades, using a Silver
pencil. Next Aquarelle pencils
were used to add subtle scratches
on the airframe, and I must stress
that you need to be careful here,

as ‘less is sometimes more’. For
the antennae, I used Ushi Van
Der Rosten Rigging Line. The
navigation lights were then painted
using clear red and blue over a Silver
base. Finally, I added some Dark
Earth pigments on the wheels

I am a big fan of World War II
Soviet aircraft, and I really like
their colourful schemes, and the
Hataka paints really suited this
build, which I hope you enjoy.

The undersides were painted with
Hataka AMT-7 Grey-Blue and White

The upper surfaces recived a
coat of AMT-11 Blue-Grey......

...and a disruptive pattern of
AMT-12 Dark Green... ...and the paintwork
was subtly faded


088-91-Hataka-La7-0118.indd 90 08/12/2017 17:04

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