Scale Aviation Modeller International — Janaury 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
Flying Into The Storm
RAF Bombers at War 1939-1942

AUTHOR: Chris Sams
YEAR: 2017
PUBLISHER: Fonthill Media Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-78155 - 617-7
FOR M AT: 238pp Hardback/e-Book


his book relates the
development of RAF bomber
strategy and tactics in the
years before the real “heavies”

  • Lancaster and Halifax – came
    into widespread service. Five
    main types are covered – Battle,
    Blenheim, Hampden, Wellington,
    and Whitley – although others
    such as the Bombay are also
    mentioned where appropriate.
    The book starts with a look
    at the aircraft involved, their
    development, and their strengths
    and shortcomings. A large part of
    the book then covers the bomber
    offensive against Germany, and
    shows how pre-war theories
    were put to the test in the light of
    operational experience. It then
    moves on to examine the use of these
    aircraft in other theatres, including
    North Africa and the Far East. After
    a conclusion, there are endnotes, a
    bibliography, and an index. There is a

photographic section mid-
way through the book, with
a selection of photos.
The text is generally well-written
and engaging, but let down by what
may be proof-reading or auto-correct
issues: for example the widespread
use of “ordinance” (“That which
is proclaimed by authority ...*”)
where “ordnance” (“...munitions
...”*) is meant; confusion between
“effecting” and “affecting” on p144;
or on p37, where one can only puzzle
over the meaning of “... acting the
seat, the captain [...] collapsed ...” –
perhaps “vacating” was intended?
But notwithstanding these
this is a useful volume for those
with an interest in the RAF, the
bomber force and its aircraft, and/
or the early part of World War II.
Thanks to Fonthill Media
Ltd for the review copy.
MJC *Chambers Dictionary, 9th Edn.

Ag Aviation No.2

PUBLISHER: Aero Research Co.
SERIES: Digital CD Civil Series
C AT. NO. 5010


s Monty Python’s Flying
Circus used to say ‘and
now for something
completely different’, and
that is certainly what this CD
supplies! Agricultural aircraft
may not be everyone’s cup of
tea, but they do perform a vital
role in farming communities
around the world, and they are
certainly colourful and very
different looking from the
Spitfires and 109s commonly
seen at model shows!
This latest CD from Aero
Research has 151 images of Ag
aircraft from around the world.
Some of the types covered will
be familiar, like the Stearman,
or the Grumman TBM; others,
like the Ayres S2R, less so. The
Grumman G164 caught my eye, as
being a particularly ugly aircraft,
considering it came from the
same company that designed
the rather sleek Tigercat!
Another type that caught my

eye was the very bizarre looking
Transavia PL-12. This twin boom
type would certainly stump
most aviation enthusiasts.
Ag aircraft are not commonly
kitted, but Grand Models
announced a brand new kit of
the PZL M18 in 1/72 scale at
Scale ModelWorld. HpH also
have a Zlin Bumblebee in 1/32
scale in preparation, so if you
fancy modelling a dedicated
Ag aircraft or converting a
warbird to this role, then this
disc could well be the inspiration
that you are looking for!
My thanks to Aero Research
for supplying this disc for review.

MiG-21 Aces of

the Vietnam War

AUTHOR: Istvan Toperczer
YEAR: 2017
PUBLISHER: Osprey Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-4728-2356-4
FOR M AT: 112 pp Softback


his book is one of the
latest in Osprey’s Aircraft
of the Aces series, telling
the story of the MiG-21 aces of
the North Vietnamese Air Force,
and follows the usual format for
this series. This Vietnamese were
already using MiG-17s when,
in 1965, a group of pilots and
engineers travelled to the Soviet
Union and trained on the MiG-21.
After a short introduction,
Chapter One starts at that point in
time, and covers the period to the
end of the Vietnam War. The book’s
focus, as the title suggests, is on
the aces, and covers the various
aerial encounters and the units
operating the aircraft. The very
readable text is illustrated with
many contemporary photographs
and other illustrations, including
one showing an underground

bunker from which some aircraft
operated. The drawings also include
the customary selection of colour
side profiles illustrating the colour
schemes and markings worn. There
are appendices, which list the high-
scoring aces, and give more detailed
captions for the colour profiles; and
finally, a bibliography and index.
The author is a flight surgeon
in the Hungarian Air Force. In his
spare time, he travels frequently
to Hanoi and elsewhere to research
the Vietnam War. He has written
other Osprey books on the subject.
This book deserves a place on
the shelf of any MiG-21 fan, or
any student of the Vietnam War.
Thanks to Osprey Publishing
Ltd for the review copy.

P-38 Lightning

in Action

AUTHOR: David Doyle
YEAR: 2017
PUBLISHER: Squadron/Signal Publications
ISBN: 978-0-89747-849-6
FOR M AT: 80 pp Softback


his book follows the
usual Squadron/Signal
format, and deals with
the P-38 Lightning, an aircraft
that was unique among US
“P-“ types, not just because of
its twin-engine, twin-boom
configuration, but as the only
one to remain in full production
throughout the USA’s
involvement in World War II.
As usual, the book traces
the development and service of
the type. Again, as usual, this
involves some text, but the main
value lies in the photographs
and line drawings. All variants
are covered, starting with the
XP-38, and the various stages
of developing the nacelle and
boom configurations, moving
through the major and minor

fighter variants, and then
the other types, such as the
F-4 and F-5 reconnaissance
versions, the P-38M night
fighter and the Droop Snoot.
As one would expect, the
version ordered for the RAF is
also covered. As the reader may
know, most of the RAF order
was never taken up, and the bulk
of these machines were taken
over by the USAAC and used
for training. There are some
great photos of these machines
in US service, wearing their
originally allocated RAF serial
number, which (as with other
types in similar circumstances)
was adopted as their US serial.
This book will prove a good
resource for anyone modelling
a “fork-tailed devil”, as well as
anyone with an interest in the type.
Thanks to the author
for the review copy.



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