FlightCom — Edition 108 — September 2017

(Joyce) #1
22 FlightCom Magazine


Words: Graeme Wuth

Kulula’s witty light-hearted marketing strategies have consistently appealed to the

South African sense of humour. One of their most successful campaigns was the tongue-

in-cheek ‘Flying 101’ paint scheme on one of their Boeing 737s.


F LY I N G 102



T was such as hit, that they
have repeated the idea with
‘Flying 102’, which again
is covered in fun labels
of the various parts of the
“We are very lucky to
have got the opportunity
to repaint and have some
fun with our spare aircraft, which will
now be better known as ‘Flying 102’. This
aircraft is a limited edition and the second
brainchild of kulula’s in-house design
department. It will be the last of its kind
as all our brand-new aircraft come with
a standard paint scheme straight off the
assembly line,” said Luane Lavery, Brand
Communications Manager at kulula.com.


Flying 102 will be the last of its
kind as all brand-new aircraft come
with a standard paint scheme.

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