he cut the engine and began a turn to starboard,
causing the wingtip to touch the surface. The
Walrus came to a stop at an angle 90° to the take-
off path and just 55yd from the obstacle. The
amphibian was subsequently hoisted back on the
deck and repaired by the crew.
Tachella’s last Antarctic flight occurred on
March 29, the objective being to enable members
of the Observatorio Meteorológico Antártico del
Archipielago de Melchior to gain more knowledge
of the area before being stationed there over the
following year. Tachella recalled:
“We took-off from Puerto Melchior with Juan
Carlos Nadaud, Oscar Alberto Oliva Otero and
Aldo H. Venaria as passengers. We flew over the
Melchior archipelago and Anvers and Brabant
Islands. After the flight, the Walrus was hoisted
back on the deck of ARA Patagonia in preparation
for the return trip to Buenos Aires.”
Walrus 2-O-24 made a total of 14 flights during
January 17–March 29, 1947, Tachella logging 38
flying hours. ARA Patagonia left Puerto Melchior
on April 1, arriving in Buenos Aires on April 23.
Argentina’s 1947–48 Naval Antarctic Campaign
began some eight months later, in October. Four
ships took part in the expedition: transport
ARA Pampa, tanker Ministro Ezcurra and patrol
boats ARA King and ARA Granville, all under
the command of Capitán de Fragata Ricardo
Hermelo. His objectives were to conduct a survey
of Deception Island and establish a runway and
naval detachment. This time Walrus M-O-4 was
assigned. The crew comprised pilot Tte Navio
Osvaldo J. Guaita, copilot and camera operator
Tte Corb Gregorio Diaz Etcheverria, mechanics
Cabo Principal Aeronautico Juan Larrea, Cabo 2do
Aeronautico Roberto Chaparro and Marinero 1ero
Aeronautico Jaime Lenua, and radio operators
Cabo 2do Aeronauticos Raul Perez and Bernardo
Hensa. Their task was to produce a photo-mosaic
of the coast of Deception Island and to take
panoramic photos of the adjoining bays. The
Walrus was fitted with a K-8 camera and ARA
Pampa had been modified in Buenos Aires with
a recovery crane on the aft deck for the Walrus.
The first priority was to establish a runway, the
Walrus making a number of reconnaissance flights
starting on December 11. A site with acceptable
ABOVE A crewman places himself on the upper wing of Walrus M-O-4 either before attaching the ship’s crane hook
to the aircraft or having just released it. This aircraft made its second expedition to the Antarctic in February 1948
when it was sent back to Deception Island as part of a task force despatched to assert Argentinian sovereignty.