Scale Aviation Modeller International - March 2018

(vip2019) #1
the preferred method,
provided you get it right
(and of course you do
have the plastic version
as a backup, just in case).

Each of the massive wings is
supplied as a single piece, and
they are the most detailed and
comprehensive mouldings I have
seen in any model. The main body
of each wing is 3 mm thick, without
a hint of a sink mark. They then
taper to trailing edges so sharp
you could shave with them!
In reproducing the flexible
warping tips, WNW have pushed
the limits of what is possible in
plastic moulding; they are truly
wafer thin. But that’s not all. Each
moulding includes a cruciform
kingpost on the tip, along with
spar detail on the root and a
pulley on the leading edge.
The tail feathers are equally
impressive, and like the wings, are
going to present something of a
challenge to paint convincingly.

I chose Option ”C2” (A.271/14)
for a number of reasons. First, I

wanted an Argus-powered aircraft,
because I’m bored with building
Mercedes engines. I was also
taken with the enormous – 75
mm sq – eisernkreuzen on the
wings (I don’t do subtle). There
are several photographs available
of this particular aircraft, taken
in 1915 (possibly even 1917), when
presumably it was near the end of
its active life, and logically would be
getting rather threadbare – a state
confirmed in said photographs.
Stains are clearly visible on the
fuselage along with patches
under the port wing.
I decided to use the
same sequence of paints
I previously used on the
wings of an Albatros
B.II. Having primed the
wings and fuselage, I gave

everything a rough coat of my own
mix of clear doped linen (CDL) – 1/
XF-57 Buff, 1/3 XF-2 White, and
1/3 X-22 Gloss. Once this was dry, I

taped and lightly pre-shadowed the
ribs, as well as adding a few darker
areas as random stains. I also
masked patches here and there with
small rectangles of Tamiya tape.
Once all was prepared, it was
on with several thin coats of
XF-22 RLM Grey, being careful to
let the pre-shadowing and stains
remain just visible. After a quick
blow-over with gloss varnish to
reduce the fragility of the paint,


006-13-FEAT-Taube-0318.indd 10 09/02/2018 14:

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