Scale Aviation Modeller International - March 2018

(vip2019) #1
I gently sanded through to the
CDL layer here and there.
I then removed the masking
tape patches and replaced them
with little squares or rectangles,
made from a single ply of Kleenex
tissue, and attached with thinned
PVA glue. These were then darkened
with some light brown and outlined
using X-19 Smoke, which does
a very good impression of the
glue used to attach the patches.
Voila! One tatty aeroplane.

Once I’d applied the few decals
appropriate to the scheme, I felt the
need for some more weathering.
This was mainly aimed at the

enormous crosses, whose whiteness
offended my eyes, but also added
to the variety of hues to be seen all
over the airframe. I started with
some gentle passes of the airbrush,
containing X-19 Smoke, to take the
edge off things. This was followed
by some random dusting of Tamiya
weathering pigments, mainly
Sand and Mud. These were also
applied to the finished wheels.

With the fuselage mostly painted
and weathered, I could no longer
avoid addressing the cowling
with its turned metal finish.
Fortunately, the WNW website
has some suggestions on how

to achieve the silver-on-silver
effect, which seems to have
appeared on all Jeannin’s Taubes.
I started by masking off the
area, followed by a base coat of
black to ensure that there would
be no unevenness in the silver
to come. WNW recommend X-
Aluminium Matt as the base colour.
The squiggly lines were then hand-
painted in X-11 Aluminium Bright.
It was time consuming, and I think
I got the two shades of silver mixed
up, but it seemed to work well.

Actually, that’s a bit of an
exaggeration. The rigging on the
Taube is all on display and as a
result looks rather intimidating, but
fear not. It’s a monoplane and all
of the rigging is easily accessible,
which makes a huge difference.
I dealt with the fuselage
first, and the only tricky bit was
fitting the shrouds that control
the tailplane, and this was only
a problem because they attach
to free-floating brackets which
simply hook onto the control
cables. The trick is to get a pair of



006-13-FEAT-Taube-0318.indd 11 09/02/2018 14:

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