Scale Aviation Modeller International - March 2018

(vip2019) #1
36 Fairey Ultra-light Helicopter
AMP 1/72 Fairey Ultra-light
Helicopter by Nic Aronica

see page 50


s I write this from my
hotel room in Germany
the annual Nuremberg
Toy Fair is almost over and as
usual it has thrown up a few
surprise announcements and
some new names have entered
the field. As this is a trade only
event many modellers will
not realize how big a deal this
event is in the hobby industry.
The town of Nuremberg has
nearly 40,000 extra inhabitants
over the course of the show and
hotel rooms that are £49 for
most of the year have risen to as
much as £400 a night and I will
not tell you the prices of the two

5-star hotels in the city. If you
have to ask you can’t afford it!
So elsewhere in this issue,
you will see a list of all the
kits announced at the show
and this includes nearly 100
all new toolings from big and
small manufacturers and I
am sure I have missed a few
off, for which I apologise.
In fact most of the traders
attending were quite upbeat
compared to previous years.
We have also had a new
manufacturer at the show, Dora
Wings from the Ukraine had their
first new kits at the show in the
shape of a pair of 1/48 scale Gee

Bee racer and the very unusual
version of the Bell Kingcobra,
a TP-63E (Google is your friend
for this one?). We will be having
a first look at these kits next
month, but I will say this is a
name to watch out for as the
range will feature some classic
British types like the Percival
Procter in both 1/72 and 1/
and a Westland Wapiti in 1/
scale. Who would ever have
thought we would see that as
the subject of a new tool kit?
Just before the show on our
Facebook page, I asked the
question what would you want to
be announced at the show? The
answers ranged from the almost
unheard of to the now familiar
call for new kits of the B-17 and
B-24. Amazingly Hobbyboss were
listening as they have announced
an all new B-24 Liberator, though
sadly this beast in 1/32 scale is not
going to be cheap to buy or house,
unless you live in a mansion.
And the annual joke is that yes
Hobbyboss’s sister company

Trumpeter still have the Douglas
TBD Devastator as coming this
year. Has that been 12 or 13 years
since it was first announced?
All in all, a very enjoyable show
where we caught up with friends
old and new and compiled a list
of future releases that should
have something for everyone
over the next 12 months.
So, get building ladies and
gentlemen you are going to need
to make some room on that to
do pile. Now, how many 1/
Liberators do I really need!!!

David Francis, Editor
[email protected]


THE First LookFirst look at Airfix 1/
Hawker Sea Furysee page 52

First look at Airfix 1/48 Hawker Sea FuryI must admit a bit of a bias as For many, the Hawker Hunter was the most attractive Hawker design, but I have to disagree as for me that title belongs to the Sea Fury. Now Hawker Sea Fury at the age of fourteen I earned some pocket money washing a bright red Sea Fury G-FURY at Elstree aerodrome before it departed for an air show.Hitting the deck just in time to feature in this magazine to say the Sea Fury has been much
anticipated by many is a bit of an on the latest 1/48 scale Airfix kit.My initial impression was very favourable, I will start backwards as the decals were on top in my box, these supply two options both in variations of sky and extra dark sea grey camouflage. The understatement and it was with a sense of trepidation I lifted the lid first option has the low fuselage demarcation and C style roundels more familiar on World War 2 aircraft. This aircraft is the colours in which the example operated by the Royal Navy Historic Flight operated in during 2017 and was originally carried by this aircraft in 1948 when operated by 802 N.A.S.The second option is from an example with high demarcation line and was flown by 801 NAS of HMS Glory during the Korean War. Although this is not the MIG killer many associates with the Korean War, but the kit does have a very interesting option as during operations the black underwing serials were overpainted in sky and both sky over painted and the original black stencil are supplied on the sheet. There are plenty of stencils to apply and the instrument dials for the instrument The instructions are in the now call the paints by the right normal 3D style and are as clear as you would expect, which is just as well as you have many, many choices to make during construction.The only thing I do not like is that the painting guides are only to the Humbrol paint range, which is not available all around the world, though at least they panel are more than adequate.names in the colour guide.The plastic all I can say is WOW, this may be the best from Airfix in this scale to date, the panel lines though a touch deep, are very consistent and the raised rivets may be a little too prominent but are easy to sand back slightly if they bother you.As for options you are honestly spoilt for choice, all the control
centre fuselage you have a Rocket from a fuel tank. While under the folded wings are also supplied as an option. Underwing you have a choice of fuel tanks, rockets, bombs and a camera pod made animation to your model and of course being a naval aircraft Assisted Take Off pack (R.A.T.O). The more I look the more options I see open or closed pilot foot step, dropped oil cooler flaps positioned easily to add some surfaces are separate so can be and positionable arrestor hook. So, the perfect kit? Well, not quite one strange omission is that there is no gunsight supplied this is certainly correct for the one flying today but would certainly be present on the operational versions. Also, on our example, the clear canopy parts had some small marks on them, which is strange as they are packed in a separate bag but nothing that a few minutes with a polishing cloth cannot sort out. But to end on another positive note the clear parts also supply the wing tip lights something that Tamiya did not manage on their latest 109G!Has this kit been worth the wait? I (though not G-FURY) and Airfix have would say looking at the plastic parts an unequivocal yes if they fit together as good as they look this could be one of the best Airfix releases ever. Yes, there is room for some improvement that I sure will be taken care of by the aftermarket (hollowed out exhaust pipes, seat belts and the missing gun sight) and Xtradecal have already produced a decal sheet with some very attractive options CONCLUSIONalready announced a second boxing the review sample which we hope to other Airfix kits in a few years’ am sure this is a kit that will fly off the hobby shop shelves and we know that means that as with supplying markings for foreign users.time the Sea Fury will be achieving collector prices on auction sites. have built in time for the next issue.Our thanks to Airfix for supplying The only downside is that I




Bprogramme one of the greatest feats of international military and political co-operation of the 20th century. y today’s exacting military standards, the success of the Panavia Tornado is quite achievement, and one that made its tri-national
Rather than being the proverbial ‘camel’ (otherwise known as a horse put together by a committee), the Tornado has proved itself to be a true thorough-bred,
able to deliver ‘as advertised’ in all weathers. The latter has been the cornerstone of the Tornado’s performance, when at its peak, it was one the NATO
that could function by night, by day, in fog, in rain or snow, and mount realistic offensive operations.
Tornado was conferred with an excellent radar, powerful engines, the ability to carry a large war-load at both low-level and medium altitudes, had a
superb short field ability, which offered a compromise between traditional runways and STOL performance. Many historians would doubtless say
that the famous De Havilland Mosquito was the original Multi-Role Combat

Aircraft, but the arrival of the jet age brought a plethora of new aircraft into the skies. Many designers clung to the ‘traditional’ one-aircraft-one mission thinking, and therefore
air forces found themselves with numerous specialised fighters, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. As budgets
became tighter, many promising projects began to be discarded through financial or political pressures, and several countries began to see the sense in committing to
bi-national or tri-national military projects, or alternatively were persuaded to ‘buy American’. In Europe, the growing Soviet threat post-War, led Britain, Germany and Italy to
agree to produce a single aircraft type, that could fly a wide variety of combat missions, and yet still be tailored to meet
the needs of the individual user nations. So was born the ‘MRCA’ - later Tornado - and a management company, Panavia Aviation, was created to oversee the project, which
was for a swing-wing, low- level ‘bomb truck’, capable of defence suppression, stand-off laser designation, anti-shipping and reconnaissance tasks, with further consideration for a dedicated interceptor variant. The programme was a triumph
of co-operation, which incredibly faced few hitches and produced perhaps the greatest aircraft of its type. Proven in battle from the deserts of Iraq to the skies
of Europe, as well as in keeping the peace, the Panavia Tornado has a singular history, and up-date programs has kept it flying onto the 21st Century. Now in the last years of its service life, was perhaps a good time to look back on what
is, and remains a very fine aircraft, and this new Datafile from SAM Publications brings the Tornado story to life!



+ P&P

By Andy Evans

Cover: Illustration Purposes Only

IDS, ECR and ADV Versions

SAM-MDF-29-Tornado-Ad.indd 1 02/11/2017 12:

Decal It
Tunsurprisingly out of the box this kit will produce a very amiya have their new 1/72 scale Kawasaki Ki-61-D Hein on display
attractive model and comes with three marking options. One of these is a blotched green
camouflage applied on top of a natural metal finish, which some modellers may find a challenge to reproduce. So, Tamiya is releasing this camouflage as an optional extra which you can combine with the kit decals to very good effect as can be seen on the display model on the Tamiya stand in Nuremberg.
The Bare
Amultimedia construction kits. The two new aircraft kits for rtesania Latina from Spain where at the show with there range of
2018 are the Sopwith Camel which we saw an early test example of last year and should be on
sale very soon. But the stand out piece was a truly amazing reproduction of a Messerschmitt Bf109G-6 in 1/16 scale.
Unlike the previous kits, which are mainly wooden the majority of parts in

this new kit are either metal or plastic and what makes this model really stands out is that it also comes with lights and
expected release will be summer of 2018.motor which add a lot of interest to what is already a stunning model. The SWar One bases and one with Marsden matting suitable for World War 2 and Korean War period models. Each Show off your modelquadron are launching a new range of resin base in all 3 major scales to show off your completed model. To start the range, we have two World
base comes with separately moulded resin junk and fuel drums that you can add to your base if desired.




All the latest from the
Toy and Hobby Fair 2018
See page 43

22 Small Scale Swallow
Airfix 1/72 Messerschmitt
Me-262 by Roman Schilhart



Scale Aviation Modeller International
March 2018 • Volume 24 • Issue 3

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