Scramble Magazine — August 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1






Scramble 459

Another one of the highlights was the first visit of a Royal Canadian Air Force CH-147F. 147304 is seen here during its departure to RAF Odiham,

where it spent another couple of days training with the local Chinooks of the RAF. (Fairford, 17 July 2017, Rene Liebe)

Czech Air Force L-159 6053 is painted to represent a Spitfire piloted by Lt. Lieutenant František Peřina during the Second World War. (Fairford,

17 July 2017, Rene Liebe)

The Ukrainian Air Force returned this year with two Su-27s and an Il-76. The single seater performed a flying display, for many one of the

highlights. (Fairford, 16 July 2017, Toon Cox)
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