Scramble Magazine — August 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1

Nearly all squadrons (Dutch excluded) participated with one aircraft in special Tiger paintings. E-2 Hawkeye 2 of 4F was one
of them. (Landiviseau, 8 June 2017, Mark Broekhans)

On two separate days during the Tiger Meet spotters were allowed on the base. Czech JAS39C Gripen 9241 of 211SQN demon-
strated an impressive Tigers colour scheme. (Landiviseau, 8 June 2017, Mark Broekhans)

This year the NATO Tiger Meet was hosted at BAN Landivisiau. One of the many participants iwas Rafale C 143/30-GV in full
Tigers colours taxiing along the flight line. (Landiviseau, 8 June 2017, Mark Broekhans)

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