May-June 2018 No56 edition of The Aviation Magazine featuring Luke Days, Red Flag 18-1, 18-2, Rainbow Canyon exercise at Spangdahlem and Iniochos 2018 in Greece.

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Rainbow^ located^ in^ Panamit^ Springs,^ Califor‐Canyon,^ hasbeena^ popular^ aircraft^ spotting^ location^ for^ nia,^ CanyonSincethe^ 1940s,^ has^ many^ Rainbowyears.used^ by^ the^ military^ for^ trainingbeen^ and^ exer‐^ flightscises^ aircraft^ fly^ low^ into^ the^ canyon^ from^ ei^ where‐ ther^ side.^ Photographers^ have^ entry^ given^ it^ nick‐^ alsonames^ such^ as^ “Star^ Wars^ Canyon”^ and^ “The^ Jedi^ Transition.”^ images^ showcased^ were^ taken^ on^ The^ February14,^ 2018. Activity:^ ‐16D^ Fighting^ FEdwards^ AFB,^ CA^ Falcon ‐  AV‐8B^ Harrier^ II^ (2^ Passes) ‐ VX‐^31 “Dust^ Devils,”^ NAWC^ Lake,^ CA^ China^ F/A^ ^9 VX‐‐18D“Vampires,”^ NAWC^ China^ Hornet ‐ Lake,^ CA^ 2x^ EA‐18G^ Growlers ‐ VX‐^9 “Vampires,”NAWC^ Lake,^ CAChina

‐VX18G^ Growlers ‐ EA‐^9 “Vampires”,^ NAWC

China^ Lake,^ CA^

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