Airliner World – April 2018

(lu) #1 29

Moreover, JTS will then be able
to create another revenue stream
by offering third party services on
ATR and Embraer types. “We’re already
exploring contracts with third parties in
that area,” confirmed Randell.
These developments also mean that
Ridolfi will be able to offer full packages

  • which include entering into a lease
    and full aftermarket support – to air-
    lines leasing aircraft from CAC. Before
    discussing this though, he paid
    tribute to how JTS helped CAC (which
    celebrated its first anniversary in
    January) to get started.
    Ridolfi explained: “Jazz Technical
    Services’ principal role during our
    initial year, along with assistance from
    Voyageur, was to help with all the
    technical issues and requirements for
    a leasing company that, for a start-up,
    would have been enormously difficult
    or would have had to have been

“Given the depth and breadth of the
knowledge that resides within Jazz
and Voyageur, we were able to do air-
craft deliveries and transitions as well
as carry out inspections and audits,
all within the capabilities of the group.
That was really the first step of getting
CAC going.
“As we evolve, and acquire mass, I
am sure that there will be some further
synergy benefits in terms of either the
contracted work, additional work we
can provide, or parts services that we
can supply to the end-users. But I don’t
want to underestimate that first year’s
work, which was really to offer that
technical edge that so many start-up
leasing companies have difficulty with.
We’re quite blessed to be part of the
Chorus group,” Ridolfi admitted.
A look at the CAC fleet, and where
its aeroplanes are operating, shows
that in one year the lessor has
not simply placed aircraft
wherever it can, but has put

them with some reputable airlines.
Unsurprisingly, Ridolfi is more than
happy with the first year’s results.
“We’re thrilled,” he declared. “I think
many people felt that we wouldn’t
be able to grow that fast, and that we
would struggle. But in fact, we’ve been
able to build on relationships, we’ve
got some great customers (see table),
and we also accomplished some of our
goals, which included being able to
diversify the aeroplane type and
geography that we operate in. This
work is not in Canada.”
Indeed, the company is supporting
airlines as geographically diverse as
Virgin Australia and Azul Linhas Aéreas
Brasileiras in Brazil, through to the
Middle East via Falcon Aviation Services
(though the Q400s are in Kazakhstan
with Qazaq), as well as Africa, central
America and Europe.
“If I can brag for one quick moment,
we wanted to get onto every continent
and we did, except Antarctica, and we

TOP • Deployed on
another United
Nations’ contract, this
Voyageur Airways
Canadair CRJ200,
C-GIXR (c/n 7434),
basks in the hot Israeli
sunshine between

Chorus Aviation
Capital negotiated
a sale/leaseback
agreement with
Spanish carrier Air
Nostrum for four
Bombardier CRJ1000s.
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