AirForces Monthly – May 2018

(Marcin) #1

Serving in

the shadows

The Jandarma Havacılık Komutanliği (Gendarmerie Aviation Command) is one of Tur key’s most elusive air

arms. Marco Dijkshoorn assesses its assets, capabilities and recent developments.

Above: The S-70A Black Hawk is the mainstay of the Jandarma Özel Harekat (Gendarmerie Special Operation Forces). The sensor suite – including a forward-
looking infrared – is optimised for night operations, with a colour scheme to match. All photos Marco Dijkshoorn Right: Jandarma units often operate alongside
their army counterparts. During the recent missions in Afrin, Syria, army helicopters provided close air support to Jandarma helicopters participating in the
campaign. Here, Army Aviation Command AB205s are visible in the background.

54 // MAY 2018 #362

Turkish Gendarmerie

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