- RAAF aircrew lost on supply ops over
Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania and Hungary - 427416 Flight Sergeant Lewis Calder
- 424114FlightSergeantCharlesSteele
- 427447FlightSergeantFrederickDavis
- 415424 Flight Sergeant Bernard Hough
- 414720FlightSergeantIanMcGugan
- 410502FlightSergeantEdwardLee
- 412601 Flight Sergeant Percy Mann
- 419502WarrantOicerGeorgeLowe
- 427522WarrantOicerAndrewLyon
- 418610 Flying Oicer Gordon Walker
•432241FlyingOicerHenryMason - 437156 Warrant Oicer Gordon Pascoe
- 418578WarrantOicerDerekStewart
- 423040 Warrant Oicer Keith Bardsley
- 251432 Flight Lieutenant
Desmond Gardiner
training at No. 4 Initial Training School, RAAF Mount
Squadron,Flight9).BaxterlewVickersWellingtons with
37 Squadron RAF before joining 178 Squadron.
[Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial P01405.012]
TOP:Allan Hammet (right), with Pilot Oicer R.C. Witney,
at Buckingham Palace on the day he received his DFM at
an investiture there if the medal ribbon on his tunic is
anything to go by. Hammet had already completed a tour
of 33 operations on Wellingtons with 460 Squadron
RAAF when he joined 178 Squadron.
[Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial UK0287]
BELOW:A 31 Squadron SAAF Liberator running up at its
dispersal. In August 1944, over three operations, this unit
while trying to supply the Polish partisans. The squadron’s
suicidal efort to assist the Warsaw Poles’.[via Graeme Gibson]