Aviation History - July 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

What would the end product
be if you put eight leading
airplane geeks together on a
book project aimed at com-
piling scads of useful aviation
information? Answer: An
indispensable glossy paper-
back containing just over a
thousand fascinating data
points amid a spectacular
collection of illustrations.
This book resulted from the
genius of well-known avia-
tion artist/historian Mike
Machat, who drew on his

reservoir of industry contacts
to assemble an unparalleled
team of experts.
The mass of data is
made manageable by its
organization into eight
military, commercial, general
aviation, etc. Even highly
knowledgeable readers are
likely to be stunned by how
much there is to learn from
these thoroughly researched,
paragraph-length entries.
Adding to the fun are many

rarely seen images, such
as a dirigible moored atop
the Empire State Building,
Grumman F-11 Tigers of
the Blue Angels in echelon

formation and Machat’s own
dazzling painting of the most
famous X-planes.
be tempted to dismiss this
book as mere trivia, but they
would be wrong. This is an
aviation history book that
shares valuable details of the
past through crisply writ-
ten vignettes. Its wealth of
material can be mined over
delightful hours at the airport
while waiting for weather to
clear. Be sure to pack it in
factoids will make perfect
conversation pieces around
Philip Handleman

Historians frequently gloss
1942 incursion into the Indian
Ocean as a mere “raid.” In
actuality, the six-day sea battle
constituted a strategic struggle
between Japan and Britain that
played a supporting role to battleships.
Author Angus Britts recounts the story of that momentous
six-day engagement and the events that made its outcome
to the period immediately following World War I when British
naval power was reduced by the economic restraints imposed
after four expensive years of warfare and by the international
While Japan’s naval forces were also limited by the Wash-
ington Naval Treaty, its war planners chose to invest in the
development of powerful new land and carrier-borne air
strike forces. The Royal Navy also developed carrier-based air
assets, but its carrier air arm remained limited by being kept
subordinate to the battleships, and by the fact that its Fleet Air
Arm was a branch of the Royal Air Force rather than the navy.
Neglected Skies is the story of how, after more than two years
of containing its German and Italian opponents in the Atlantic
and the Mediterranean, the Royal Navy suddenly found itself
faced with an enemy with whom it could not cope, bringing to
a close the era of British naval dominance. Those interested in
British and Japanese history, aviation history or World War II
Robert Guttman

Amazing and Little-known Information About
All Aspects of Aviation
Edited by Mike Machat, Specialty Press, 2017, $24.95.

During World War II, a cadre of
extraordinarily motivated pilots
had the unusual distinction of
being denied its fruits at home.
The Tuskegee Airmen were the
frontline U.S. Army combat planes and, despite the enforced
segregation of their units, they racked up a solid record of
aerial achievements. Now one of these aged warriors, ably
ing history above the clouds.
Growing up in an ethnically diverse neighborhood in
Minneapolis, where he did not experience the sting of racism,
Harold Brown developed a passion for aviation. He saved
war, so that by the time he got to the Tuskegee Institute in
Alabama he had a leg up on the syllabus. By a remarkable
coincidence, his instructor on PT-17s at Tuskegee, Gilbert
Cargill, was my instructor on Pipers in Michigan approxi-
ture near Linz, Austria. When the Air Force integrated in the
during the Korean War and Strategic Air Command B-47s
career as an educator in Ohio. Fittingly, he ends his inspiring
story with a quotation about excellence from the late Tuskegee
Airman General Daniel “Chappie” James: “It is always in
demand, and nobody cares about its color.”
Philip Handleman

The Story of a Tuskegee

The Demise of British
Naval Power in the Far
East, 1922-42
by Angus Britts, Naval Institute
Press, 2017, $34.95 by Harold H. Brown and Marsha
S. Bordner, The University of
Alabama Press, 2017, $29.95.

JULY 2018 AH 67
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