Aero Magazine International - April 2018

(Brent) #1

28 | MAGAZINE 02

using lighter and more resistant
materials, the concept provides bet-
ter eiciency, reducing noise and
increasing safety. It also allows to
extend the aircrat’s light envelope.

Another great innovation under
study by the industry is the hybrid
motorization system, which com-
bines a jet engine with an electric
motor. Hybrid technology has
proven to be fairly promising in
the world, and it is used in several
sectors, such as the automotive
and the maritime ones. Formula
One itself has invested in the tech-
nology, which seems to be a way
with no return.
In the aviation, hybrid propul-
sion should be the next step for

future fully electric models. Today,
the major challenge revolves around
the batteries. In fact, their energy
capacity and weight. he concept
was applied in the Boeing 787
Dreamliner, which, although it has
had troubles with the constructive
quality of cells in a battery lot, it has
shown to be very attractive in terms
of cost, weight, as well as storing
and recharging capacity.
Models with closed rotors, like
those used in domestic drones,
also represent a trend for the next
decade’s projects, but they depend
on the progression of electric
propulsion use. With a combina-
tion of two or four tilting engines,
these models can provide econ-
omy and safety in urban center
operations. Moreover, they should

dramatically reduce noise, espe-
cially at hovering or in takeof and
landing operations.

Despite being promising, tilting
engine technology faces challenges
and the most important is its light
instability at the transition stage be-
tween vertical and horizontal light,
when engines are being moved. To
make the situation more dramatic,
the loss of one of the engines leaves
the aircrat out of control. he huge
torque of the engine generates an
asymmetry that makes impos-
sible to control the aircrat. his
demanded the creation of a com-
plex, heavy, expensive and delicate
torque compensation system.
In the case of the V-22 Osprey,

V-280 should replace
the current UH-60
Black Hawk

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