Aero Magazine International - April 2018

(Brent) #1

MAGAZINE 02 | (^29)
this mechanical system keeps
both rotors rotating even in case
of failure of one of the motors,
compensating the torque through
the other engine. On the other
hand, the Leonardo AW609 uses
a similar system, on a reduced
scale, considering the diference
in size between the aircrats and
mission requirements of each one.
Even so, the Italian manufacturer
has searched, for over two de-
cades, a solution for the complex
light envelope of the AW609.
The instability during flight
and in the vertical to horizontal
transition, and vice versa, only
now has reached safety levels that
allow obtaining a civilian homol-
ogation for the model. The Bell
V-280 Valor is being developed
based on all the learning from
the pioneer models, such as the
V-22 and AW609 themselves. Bell
expects to have a more efficient
and light anti-torque system,
as well as to increase the use of
computer control, which in ad-
dition to make the flight viable,
also reduces weight.
Airbus, then Eurocopter, has re-
cently tried to solve the problem of
tiltrotor concept with the Eurocop-
ter X³ (reference to the cube of x),
by creating a model based on the
compound helicopter. he basic
principle is the same of the tiltro-
tor, creating an aircrat capable to
take of and land vertically, but with
straight horizontal light perfor-
The X3 was used to
prove the compound
helicopter concept

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