Aero Magazine International - April 2018

(Brent) #1

30 | MAGAZINE 02

AW 609

mance close to turboprop aircrats.
he diference between the two con-
cepts is that the compound helicop-
ter is an evolution of the Gyrodyne,
which had a rotor coupled over the
aircrat, in conjunction with two
vertical engines installed next to
the fuselage. Basically, the proposal
is a fusion of a turboprop with an
helicopter. On the other hand, the
tiltrotor literally is a combination
of tilt with rotor. Which means, the
rotor inclines, adapting itself to the
need of each phase of the light.

Both concepts have advantages
and disadvantages. he irst one
avoids the transition between verti-
cal and horizontal, but demands a
complex mechanical system cou-
pled to the three rotors, in addition
to higher consumption and greater
total aircrat area. he second one
avoids using three rotors coupled to
two or three engines, but remains
with the mechanical complexity,
very high consumption and greater
total area than an helicopter of the
same category.

his way, another proposal came
up; maximize the eiciency of
rotors and blades, in search of a bal-
ance between high performance in
horizontal light and the possibility
of vertical light. he model already
in the homologation phase clos-
est to this objective is the Airbus
H160. Although being distant from
V-22’s light characteristics, Airbus’
medium helicopter has a hundred
innovations, such as the use of com-
posite materials, rotor blades with
advanced aerodynamic study that
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