Aero Magazine International - April 2018

(Brent) #1

(^) 0 | MAGAZINE 02
Picture taken from a
satellite orbiting at
a 640 km shows an
overview of the fair
rise of the Latin American middle
class, which will achieve 500 mil-
lion people until 2036. Although
the region ́s main countries have
gone through economic turbu-
lences over the past years, Latin
America’s economy may grow at 3
percent per year, above the world
rate of 2.8 percent per year, accord-
ing to Airbus.
he growth of the commercial
leet over the next 20 years will
bring about the need of 49,130 new
pilots and 53,800 new maintenance
engineers. Only in the past 3 years,
Airbus has expanded its global
network of training sites from 5 to
16, and two of them are in Latin
America, Airbus Training Center
in Mexico City, opened in 2015 and
Airbus Training Center in Brazil, in

  1. For FIDAE, Airbus showed
    one of the prototypes of the A350-
    900 XWB, which was placed in the
    static exhibition.

On the other hand, Boeing that
is losing part of its inluence and
participation in South America has
announced that the service division
is increasing its operation in Latin
America, following the announce-

ment of new agreements with Gol
Linhas Aéreas and Aeroméxico.
Gol will use the Airplane Health
Management in its future leet
of 737 MAX, while the Mexican
company will add the landing gear
change program in its 787 Dream-
liner aircrats. he objective of both
agreements was to increase main-
tenance management eiciency, a
sector considered critical for air-
lines in search of maximum speedi-
ness and lexibility, to keep the leet
under operation the maximum
number of hours per day.
According to Boeing’s last
Current Market Outlook, the
service sector for commercial
aviation has grown at an annual
rate of 5 percent in Latin Amer-
ica. Boeing believes that until
2036, the total market of avia-
tion services and support in the
region is worth $ 530 billion.

Brazil, Latin America’s largest
aeronautical market, and the only
country in the region to have a
strong aeronautical and defense
industry, continues to be one of the
major exhibitors of the event. It is
no accident that one of the highest

moments of the fair was the debut
of the tactical aircrat Embraer KC-
390, which will enter into service in
the months to come.
he model obtained the declara-
tion of initial operational capability
(IOC) in December 2017 and ex-
pects to receive the inal operation-
al capability homologation (FOC)
by June. he model has attracted
the attention of main air forces of
the region, in search of a substitute
to the veteran C-130 Hercules air-
crats. Historically, military projects
obtain their irst international sales
ater having being declared opera-
tional in their countries of origin.
Chile and Argentina participate in
the project as component suppliers,
a fact that makes both countries
potential customers for the KC-

  1. In Chile, Embraer has also
    presented the Super Tucano, which
    is successfully operated by several
    air forces, including that of the US,
    who has adopted the model as a
    light air support aircrat.
    Also related to Embraer ́s
    military programs, Akaer, another
    Brazilian company in evidence,
    recognized for the development of
    complex engineering projects, has
    presented to the market a nano-

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