Airliner World – May 2018

(Nora) #1


Austria and 164km [102 miles] from
Budapest, Hungary. Both are within
easy driving distance for many
travellers and from these airports
airlines offer connections to most parts
of the world.”

Ups and Downs
Go2Sky has taken a very different
approach. Rather than forming an
airline, it decided to become an ACMI
provider and charter operator instead.
“We were formed on February 14, 2013,”
Ferjancek explained, “and essentially we
are an ACMI provider – that is our
primary focus. However, we do under-

take ad hoc charters particularly during
the winter period to help us pay the
bills. We have grown steadily over the
last five years, and I am very proud of
our achievements thus far. But we are
not planning to get much bigger than

we currently are, that is, unless some-
one rich comes along and invests in us
and changes our business model.” The
CEO clarified this refreshingly frank
statement: “As a ACMI provider here in
Europe, Go2Sky must contend with the
seasonality of the market. In the peak
summer season – when tour
companies are trying to move as many
people as possible to holiday desti-
nations – we cannot provide enough
seats, and all our aeroplanes are busy.
However, demand falls dramatically
over winter and there are fewer requests
for our aeroplanes. So, to remain
successful we must find our

Ferjancek, Go2Sky’s chief
executive officer sits in
the right-hand seat of one
of the company’s Boeing
737s. Despite running the
company Daniel is still
rostered to fly several times
per month.

fleet of 737s are all operated
on leases and all are
configured in a single-class
layout, with 167/170 seats in
the -400 and the standard
189 in the larger -800s.

Go2Sky has taken a very
different approach, rather
than forming an airline,
it decided to become
an ACMI provider and
charter operator instead.
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