Airliner World – May 2018

(Nora) #1


‘sweet spot’ that balances having
enough summer capacity against an
over-capacity situation during the
winter. I like to think we have it just
right currently, and our financial bottom
line backs me up.
“As I have already said, we do not have
any problems during the summer
months when our aeroplanes are work-
ing hard. Most of my attention is now
focused on winter 2018/19 and trying
to find sufficient work to keep our aero-
planes and crews in the air. As demand
falls, usually around mid-October
through to late April, this is the period
where we have to market ourselves
to find additional charter work.” This
‘extra’ work can be anything from
carrying mail to transporting football
teams. To assist with these peaks and
trough we rely upon aircraft brokers,
companies such as Zela Aviation, which
provide invaluable support to us.”
As is typical with most ACMI
providers, the winter break provides
a good opportunity to put its aircraft
through essential maintenance so they
are ready for the next summer season.

All of Go2Sky’s heavy maintenance is
outsourced to third party providers and
during the author’s visit one of its -400s
was undergoing a C-check in Poland.
“During the summer we carry out our
own light maintenance checks on our
fleet, but all the major work is carried
out during the winter - well, that is what
we aim for,” he grinned.
“We have grown to a manageable size
and currently employ around 150 air-
crew, pilots and cabin crew, as well as 30
people on the ground here in Bratislava.”
To enable Go2Sky to remain profitable,
the business must be run as leanly as
possible and there is no room for com-
placency. Ferjancek observed: “We
are like a huge family, especially on
the operations side of the business, as
we are all working towards a common
goal. In fact, the family ethic is car-
ried through even further as the CEO’s
wife sits opposite him in the office and
handles much of the company’s human
resource issues, while his nephew
works down the corridor in the
operations centre.
Daniel Ferjancek started his working
career in IT sales, but a change of
direction in the early 2000s saw him
join the industry. Having caught the
aviation bug, he learnt to fly gaining his
PPL. Not satisfied with flying single-
engined light aircraft he enrolled on a

This Go2Sky 737-800,
OM-GTE (c/n 29925), was
operating on behalf of
FlyEgypt in December
2017 and is about to touch
down at a wintry looking
Milan/Malpensa Airport.

Go2Sky has grown steadily
over the five years it has
been in business – today
it has a staff of 180; 30 of
them are on the ground in
Bratislava and the rest are
air crew.

SmartWings, a brand of
Czech charter airline Travel
Service, is one of several
carriers that have taken
advantage of Go2Sky’s
ACMI services.

Despite its relatively
small size, Go2Sky has
developed a strong
reputation for the
service its provides to
third party airlines.
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