Airliner World – May 2018

(Nora) #1




hen Eric Trappier
announced the
termination of the
Falcon 5X programme
on December 13,
the Dassault Aviation CEO promised
a new model that would deliver the
same benefits as the axed aircraft and,
in some instances, build on them. A
little over two months after the 5X
was scrapped due to ongoing issues
with its Snecma Silvercrest engines,
Trappier took to the stage in Dassault’s
sparkling hangar at Paris/Le Bourget to

Dassault Aviation moved quickly to fill the void left by
its axed Falcon 5X programme, unveiling the bigger
and more capable 6X. Airliner World’s James Ronayne
reports from Paris.


introduce the Falcon 6X.
“This place is at the heart of the
Falcon customer experience, which
is my absolute priority,” Trappier told
guests at the launch. “That is what our
new model is all about; a Falcon that
raises the bar in terms of comfort,
availability and mission capability.
Put simply, giving customers more for
their money.”
The decision to end the Falcon 5X
programme came late last year, after
a new issue with the Silvercrest’s
high-pressure compressor came

to light, which Trappier said then
“brought even more uncertainty to
the programme”.
“After getting more information,
about the engine development status,
I had no choice but to stop the
Falcon 5X development and
look for the best possible
alternative engine.”
On the Falcon 6X, the
troublesome Silvercrest
powerplants have been
replaced by Pratt & Whitney
Canada’s PurePower PW812D

Dassault Aviation
unveiled its new
Falcon 6X business jet
in Paris on February

  1. It replaces the 5X
    which was cancelled
    in December due to
    ongoing issues with its
    Silvercrest engines.

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