Scramble Magazine – May 2018

(Wang) #1






Scramble 468

MM7294/4-52 1° RMV ex 4-52/904° GEA IS026 mar18
MM7294/4-52 18° Gruppo ex 4-52/1° RMV IS026 mar18
MM7294/37-11 18° Gruppo ex 4-52/18° Gruppo IS026 mar18
MM7305/- delivered ex CSX7305/- IS037 mar18
MB339A (MLU)
MM54458/- Leonardo ex 61-12/213° Gruppo 6637 dec17
MM54458/61-121 213° Gruppo ex -/Leonardo 6637 apr18
MT55223/61-22 212° Gruppo ex MT55223/Leonardo jan18
MM55224/61-23 212° Gruppo ex MT55224/61-23 feb18

Aviazione dell’Esercito [AR]

MM81322/E.I.909 49° Gruppo ex 48° Gruppo 29010 mar18
CSX81557/E.I.240 Leonardo new ITAR41 apr18

Marina Militare [NY]

MM81376/7-66 Grupelicot 2 w/o 05apr18 5212

Arma dei Carabinieri (PO)

MM81696/CC-40 5° NE Pescara ex 14° NE Belluno 25985 mar18
MM81367/CC-14 13° NE Forli ex 10° NE Olbia 25591 mar18

Polizia di Stato [PO]

PS-46 3° RV Bologna ex 11° RV Pescara 5621 feb18
PS-50 3° RV Bologna ex 1° RV Pratica di M 5622 feb18

Guardia di Finanza (PO)

MM81929/GF-405 unknown ex CSX81929/Leonardo 31797 apr18

Vigili del Fuoco (PO)

VFOD/VF-52 RV Bari ex RV Pescara 25543 apr18


Vazduhoplovstvo Vojske Crne Gore (AF)

The first Bell 412 arrived on 13 April 2018 in-country, with a

fly-by over the capital city Podgorica before touching down

at Golubovci. The ‘new’ helicopter was escorted by three

Gazelles of the VGC. The dismantled Bell was transported

by a Cargolux B747-800 to Prague on April 6 where it was

assembled by the local Bell Helicopter facility. Besides military

tasks, the VCG will use the helicopter also for fire-fighting,

medical evacuation and search and rescue operations. The

new arrival, which was manufactured in 2002, still carried

its civil registration N356TD and its ‘civil’ looking livery. The

two other helicopters will be the stronger version of the Bell

412EPI. They are expected in the last quarter of 2018.

Bell 412EP
... del. 13apr18 ex N356TD 36307


Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo i Protivvazdusna Odbrana (DF)

The Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin reported

on 22 April 2018 that the Serbia Air Force has received four

MiG-29s from Belarus. The four Fulcrums donated by Belarus

add to the four original Serbian Fulcrums still in service and

six MiG-29s received earlier from Russia. These six surplus

Russian Air Force MiG-29s (four single-seaters and two twin-

seaters) are being modified to MiG-29SD (Serbian Modified)

since their delivery in October 2017 at Batajnica. Eventually,

Serbia will have an operational fleet of fourteen MiG-29s.

Aleksandar Vulin said that while visiting Moscow in April

2018 he had had follow-up talks with his Russian colleagues

on supplies of four Mi-35s, four Mi-17s and army hardware

like tanks and air defence systems.

23742 TOC w/o 11apr18


Schweizer Luftwaffe (AF)

LSME = Emmen
J-3005 wfu LSME ex Flpl Kdo13 badge L1005 apr18


Türk Hava Kuvvetleri (AF)

16-0055 221 Filo 055 mar18
(18)-0075 Airbus Military for 221 Filo 075 sep17
(18)-0078 Airbus Military for 221 Filo 078 jan18
Anka-I UAV
16-012 TAI MIT? THB-002 aug17

Another recently revealed version of the Anka UAV family

is the Anka-I (Intelligence). The signal intelligence (SIGINT)

variant of the Turkish TAI Anka medium altitude, long

range (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is undergoing

testing by Turkish Aerospace Industries at Mürted. A picture

was revealed of the Anka-I flying over that base. The Anka-I

has a bunch of antennas for Communication Intelligence

(COMMINT) and side mounted arrays housing Electronic

Support Measures and Electronic Intelligence (ESM/ELINT)

system. If the Anka-I is fielded, it will be most probably

assigned to the multi-service 14ncü İnsansız Uçak Sistemleri

Üs Komutanlığı (14th Unmanned Aircraft Systems Base

Command) at Batman. According to remarks on our Facebook

page, the Anka-I was developed for the MIT (National

Intelligence Organisation) but that is not confirmed.

Anka-S UAV
? TAI f/n 004 aug17
15-008 TurAF f/n feb18
17-014 TAI photo
(17)-016 TAI Video, fy pending
17-021 TAI f/n feb18

In February, the first TAI ANKA-S (SatCom) UAV variant

was delivered to the Turkish Air Force. The ANKA-S

communicates with Turksat-4B satellite via SATCOM. It can

be easily distinguished from the from the other Anka versions

because it features a huge bumped nose, containing the

satellite communication equipment. The satcom capabilities

will give the UAV a range of thousands of kilometres and thus

increases the strategic capabilities of the platform.

An engine choice for Turkey’s TF-X indigenous fighter should

emerge early this year. The Turkish Aerospace Industries-

developed and produced TFX is a twin-engine, all-weather

fighter jet that is being developed with technological

assistance from BAE Systems. The aircraft is slated to replace

the Turkish Air Force’s F-16s and is planned to be offered to

foreign air forces as well. The new fighter is planned to make

its maiden flight by 2023.

68-0482 pres Kizilcahamam, ex 112 Filo 3654 jan18
Heron 1/Gözcü 1
09 -132 2nci IHA Filo FY requires confirmation 132?
09 -133 2nci IHA Filo FY requires confirmation 133?
09 -134 2nci IHA Filo FY requires confirmation 134?
Hurkus B
17-101 TAI for 122 Filo jan18

In January, the indigenous advanced TAI Hurkus B trainer

performed its maiden flight. This appears to have taken place

at Konya rather than at its birthplace Mürted Air Base (for-

merly Akinci). The aircraft performed its maiden flight in a

primer livery but with a Turkish Air Force serial which indi-

cates a forthcoming delivery in 2017.
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