Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1


with Spencer I was eulogising over the new
release when he offered some 'Overtrees'
(boxes of just the runners with no
instructions and decals) plus a whole host
of BRASSIN and photo-etch for an article.
Needless to say I metaphorically bit his arm
off! As he was going to model an aircraft
with every panel open using everything
available (which will hopefully be seen later
in the year) I decided to make two models:
one pretty much straight from the box as
what the eventual 'Weekend Edition' will be
and one using some of what are probably
going to be some of the more popular
upgrades, namely the BRASSIN cockpit,
some photo-etch and then Barracudacast’s,
sublime exhausts.
Not having any decals to hand wasn’t a

with Spencer I was eulogising over the new
release when he offered some 'Overtrees'
(boxes of just the runners with no
instructions and decals) plus a whole host
of BRASSIN and photo-etch for an article.
Needless to say I metaphorically bit his arm
off! As he was going to model an aircraft

Side by side view showing the BRASSIN cockpit and the kit parts. The
detail is better in the resin set and I like the open panel behind the
seat. Whether it is worth the money is up to the modeller...

A neat detail in the BRASSIN set is the
canopy opening handle. Note that some
of the coaming supports have been
removed for the resin replacement,
next time I’ll just use the kit parts
I think as it is an inconvenience
for what is a minor improvement
in detail.

Primed in Ammo One Shot
Black, the difference in detail
is more noticeable.

With a black wash the
detail on the resin set
really pops out.

I really liked the
cushion detail in
the resin set, it’s
much better than
the kit part but
when installed and
partially covered
by seat belts it’s
not worth the price
alone. I’d pay a few
quid for just this bit

An essential
upgrade in
my opinion is
the Barracuda
exhaust set.
The fi nesse is


Ready for installation, this
is the BRASSIN set fi nished.
I added the placards from
an Airscale set as none are
included in the kit.

Compare this kit cockpit
with the BRASSIN offering.
Is the resin worth it? Only
you can decide. (Note
there’s no harness here,
I was waiting for the
postman to deliver my
HGW set).

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 22 04/05/2018 14:59

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