Model Airplane International - June 2018

(lily) #1
Issue 155 - 23

problem as I prefer to spray markings anyway,
so armed with a whole bunch of leftover
Montex and Miracle Masks I had free rein to
choose any aeroplane I wished, and as you
can see I went for some pretty colourful and
unusual subjects.

As is traditional, work started in the cockpits,
one using the kit plastic and the other the
BRASSIN replacement. The kit is very
nicely detailed straight from the box but the
resin parts obviously allow fi ner and more
comprehensive detail. The million dollar
question is it worth the extra £25 or so? That’s
a very subjective question and only one that
the individual can make. For me, the cockpit

is quite small and to be honest, if I was only
going to build one of these things then I
probably would treat myself as some of the
detail is very welcome, but you’ll be left with a
lovely model from the box. Horses for courses.
The BRASSIN set (and Profi pack Edition)
include quite a few photo-etched details such
as a full-colour instrument panel which ends
up rather buried under the coaming, so is
quite hard to see. The Weekend Edition (and
Profi pack for that matter) has decals and
actually these work really well so I wouldn’t be
put off if you do fancy the cheaper Weekend
kit. However, for me seat belts are a must; the
BRASSIN/Profi pack belts are lovely but for
my other kit I used some late-war belts from
the HGW range (be aware that I was doing a

unique late war airframe which I surmised may
have had this retrofi tted and so pretty much
every A-1 to A-4 would have had the standard
harness). These HGW belts have etched
buckles into which printed fabric straps are
threaded, a very fi ddly and time consuming job
but the results are amazing. In my opinion they
are well worth it!
Painting the cockpits was straightforward.
After clean-up they were primed with Ammo
One Shot Black, which is essentially Badger’s
Stynylrez but the formula has been improved
so that it sprays more easily through your
airbrush. On top of that, Mr. Hobby RLM 66
was misted on, building up the layers to take
advantage of the shadows the primer would
create. A touch of white was added allowing

Here we are ready to close up the fuselage. I suspect the cockpit
could be added from underneath, but to be honest I didn’t try it -
maybe next time...

Not much of this will be seen as it sits behind the cooling fan so
providing this insert only will speed up the construction. A good
design decision.

All the gun barrels are hollowed out which is more than
welcome. There’s not much point painting these nose guns now
though as they have to be glued in during construction but you’ll
see this isn’t a problem.

The Barracuda exhausts just drop in. Superb!

’Roy’s’ wash works extremely well, see the text for details. Early ‘190s kept the inner gear doors shut on the ground so I
glued mine closed, although next time I’ll use superglue as I
made a bit of a mess!

Wheel-well detail is really nice but I did carry out a little sanding
on the top to help with the leading edge seam.

ROTTE LOVELY COLLECTION.indd 23 04/05/2018 15:00

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